
Wednesday 26 March 2014


Wednesday afternoon about 5 p.m.

Ding-dong! goes the doorbell.
I’m not expecting anyone.
When I open the door, I find two little boys (perhaps 5 years old?) outside, holding a plate with a few Digestive biscuits unevenly spread out.

Boy (very polite):
– Excuse me, would you like to buy some cookies?
Me (shaking my head for emphasis):
– No, thank you.

When I’d closed the door and got over the sheer surprise, I could not help laughing, though!

The End.


  1. How strangely funny! LOVE your interactive doorbell. And your blog header is like Spring, I love it.

    1. Selling cookies at the door is not really common here. I wonder if maybe they'd got the idea from some American TV show.

  2. I remember when my son was about the same age and wanted to be like grown ups and earn some money. He sold us some newspapers. Of course he got them from us and they were old ones that we had read.

    1. Yes, kids can be very inventive. I doubt this particular project had gone through parental consent, though! ;)

  3. I wonder what they're up to....I love digestive cookies but I still would not have purchased any like that displayed on the plate. You should find out who the parents are and ask a question.

    1. Maybe learning from Experience is enough in this case, Virginia ;) I doubt very much that they found anyone willing to buy. I think at least one of them lives either in this building or the next one. I saw them playing outside earlier in the afternoon.

  4. Awww - too sweet.

  5. Hmm... I guess I would have bought one, and asked the little boys what they'd be doing with the money made from their sale.

  6. That's a difficult one. I'm really not sure what my response would have been.


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