
Sunday 27 April 2014

People With No Brains …


… do this kind of thing (repeatedly); without a thought to how it might affect others (for example those using wheelchairs or walkers, or having bad eyesight, or just not constantly expecting traps behind every door).

Sorry. Not knowing exactly who to yell at, I just felt like shouting it out loud to the world in general! (+ I just emailed the picture to the landlord’s office)

“Stupidity is a lack of intelligence, understanding, reason, wit, or sense.” [Wikipedia]


  1. so I thought we were the only ones with stupid people.... seems they are world wide. good idea to email the pic and also good to vent... venting always makes me feel better,

  2. Well done. You did the right thing to speak up. The offender in this case may be visually impaired, or thoughtless, or ill, or dangerous, or inconsiderate, or deliberately rude, or of low intelligence. Nevertheless the result is still the same. Your safety, and the safety of other people, was put at risk by them.

  3. It's thoughtless more often than downright ruthlessness; most people really just "don't think". Every time I or RJ have asked people why they have done something (or not done something), they look at us in wide-eyed amazement, and after a moment of stunned silence, the reply almost always is "I don't know..." or "I wasn't thinking" or something along those lines.
    People will rarely admit that they are inconsiderate, they are just "thoughtless" or "elsewhere with their thoughts" - fair enough, but when this is not just annoying but even dangerous, it's not funny anymore.

  4. Very bad, it could cause serious injury. Been forgetting to to tell you how much I love your header.

  5. I would add selfish and inconsideration to the definition. Youngest son and I often share about these kind of people especially when in traffic.

  6. Half the time I can't decide whether people who do things like that are thoughtless or inconsiderate, I think it's usually one or the other. And always very annoying.

  7. So you have some of those stupid folks over there too....must be very close relatives to the ones I posted about who are starting the cane/bush fires here on the island.

  8. “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not yet sure about the universe.”
    (Albert Einstein)
    Well done to pass this on.
    Have a nice monday!

  9. Thanks everyone for the "moral support" ;) Well, at least the footscraper was back in place today after lunch (when I went out). (I did also get an email back from the landlord's office in the morning that they had passed my message on to one of the local caretakers on the estate.)

  10. As someone who can trip over his own feet without the help of inconsiderate idiots I fully appreciate your complaining.

  11. Yes we have seen this too many times haven't we. Sometimes people does not really think...

  12. Lack of consideration for others is one of the most common failings of humankind. 'Twas ever thus. "Twill ever be thus. Unfortunately.


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