
Tuesday 1 April 2014

Serious Shopping

A few weeks ago, Frances wrote a blog post about Women and Shopping. It popped up in my memory this weekend, because her way of doing it (with a companion, and including coffee and lunch) is not mine. With me, it’s more typically like this:

With the arrival of the Spring Sun (at the end of last week), I open my wardrobe and say to myself (because  there’s no one else there): “I have nothing to wear!”

Now that phrase, in itself, I know is not very original. Millions of women must have said it before me!

However, just now it happens to be true (or at least it was last week); because since last spring, I have lost a lot of weight. From spring to autumn, I went down two sizes; and in September got started on exchanging my whole winter wardrobe. Most of the summer clothes I just left hanging, though – as there was no way to predict what size I might be when we got round to spring again!

Which brings us back to the Opening the Wardrobe scene above, and the exclamation “I have nothing to wear!” Because by now I’m down about four sizes compared to a year ago.

The way my mind works, this constitutes a Serious Shopping Situation, requiring Full Concentration; which means restaurants and chit-chat do not fit into it.

With or without companion, the fact is also that I don’t have the stamina to keep at it for very long at a time. Trying on lots and lots of clothes is not what my right (bad) shoulder likes best. So instead (in a Serious Situation like this), I find myself going shopping several days in a row; but only one or two shops at a time, and usually targeted on one kind of thing (even if of course I might just as well come home with something else).

This round of shopping frenzy went like this:

Friday: A pair of spring denim jeans was at the top of my list. (I.e. light blue rather than dark blue.) It was when trying on those that I discovered I’d gone down another size since November. This in turn led to buying two new tops as well. (Two for the price of 1½ – who buys just one??).

Saturday: By now I had tried on all my spring jackets and discovered that they had grown into Tents. So time to go hunting for a new allround Weatherproof one. (Waterproof and windproof but also breathing – I don’t know how they do it!) I found it, AND yipee, it was on sale for 2/3 of the original price.

Being on the roll, I also went back to the shop where I’d been the day before, and bought two tops on Supersale (15-20% of the original price), an expensive sporty kind of zipper cardigan, and a frock. (I never really seem to have any occasions to wear frocks; but I’ve been watching Trinny & Susanna on TV, and understand it’s a Must if you want to change your style. (Do I want to change my style, or am I happy just to downsize my old style? I’m not really sure!!!)

Sunday: Friday and Saturday afternoons I was able to also spend time just sitting and enjoying almost summer-warm sun on my balcony; which led to the realisation that (of course) I had no capri pants or shorts that fit me any more either. So off to the shops again. One pair of khaki twill jeans, one pair of capris, one pair of navy blue shorts.

Monday: Some light clouds and a bit chillier again. Oops, it seems we have a Situation on the buttoned cardigan front as well! And light summer tops for when the sun comes back… Okay, I know where to go…


PS. The photo below shows where all my discarded clothes go. A new second hand shop just opened only a few blocks from where I live (on my way into town). Every time I buy something new, I also get rid of something old!






  1. I never shop for clothes with somebody else. Gotta do it with my own thoughts. No witnesses!!
    Have you considered buying from the clothes exchange until your sizes stop changing? If you get smaller again it will start getting very expensive in time, money, and effort. You may even need smaller shoes.
    You do look rather stylish and lovely in your new clothes. Pretty. My wardrobe is anchored in a certain colour. That really helps. It looks like blue is your colour; is it?

    1. Buying second hand might save a bit of money, Louise, but certainly not time or effort. And I really don't expect to keep shrinking all that much more, as my "goal" is not far off now. As for my feet, they seem to still be the same size ;)
      I do try to keep to colour scales that are easy to match (getting many possibilites out of a limited number of items). Shades of blue-purple-burgundy-magenta is one; but I also like "earthy" and greenish colours.

  2. You look darling in your new wardrobe. How exciting to be buying clothes several sizes smaller. I like each of your outfits.

    I did find my dress for our granddaughter wedding. Only after ONE shopping trip.
    The wedding is in I have plenty of time to find the shoes. I was hoping for a rose color, but found what I likes in a very pretty lavender.

    1. Thanks Wanda. And good luck with finding the perfect shoes! :)

  3. Everything you got I like, especially the blue and black print. You are skinny now!!! How did you do it? I have lost 40 ponds, but was so big to start with that you can't notice it till I lose more.

    1. Thanks Ginny, and congratulations on your own efforts. It think we often have problems seeing it ourselves (because we see ourselves every day); that's one reason why I've found it worth while to invest in new clothes every now and then during the process (instead of just going on wearing things too big). Skinny I'm not (and am not aiming for), but not very far to go to "normal". As for how, what seems to have finally done the trick for me was increasing the intake of vegetables (for both lunch and dinner), seriously cut back on carbohydrates (potatoes, pasta, bread, and of course sugar), use mostly "good" fats in cooking, and eat at regular times (both lunch and dinner but not too late at night). If I get peckish between meals I try to keep mostly to fruit. I'm not counting calories or weighing my portions, or anything else to do with maths, though!

  4. Great for you on loosing the weight. And fantastic that youve found a place to get the clothes. The pictures are great

    1. Thanks Eva. I still buy most of my clothes from the same shop in town that I've been frequenting for years! (Cassels)

  5. Very smart. You have more stamina than I have.

    1. Adrian, when it comes to clothes shopping, I suppose I do! However, when it comes to long walks over vast moors, steep hills and empty beaches, carrying heavy cameras... You're way ahead of me!

  6. That is some serious shopping in my book. My preferred method of shopping is when I'm visiting my youngest daughter, to tell her what I need and how much I expect to pay. She knows I don't don't try on more than two items before losing patience and always manages to find what I want. I don't know how I raised someone who is such a good shopper when I just hate it. You did really well - and look great!

    1. Thanks Pauline. Your method sounds good!! :) This weekend I could certainly have had use for a shopping companion (if nothing else to run to and fro and keep bringing me different sizes).

  7. i shop like you do...alone and with what i want on a list or in my found really pretty clothes for great do look skinny now for sure... i like the frock... i have not worn a frock or dress as i call it since i retired in 07 .

    1. One reason I fell for this dress was the pockets! It's also soft and elastic, and can be worn with leggings or pants.

  8. You're really on a shopping roll, and I enjoyed it with you....can you tell that I love shopping.
    Now that you've lost even more weight you will find yourself buying clothes more
    Thank goodness the second chance store opened up nearby.

    1. Yes Virginia... I think I've done my basic spring shopping for now, and should probably wait until closer to summer to see if there is anything else I need.

  9. It's fun to get new clothes! Even better when we've lost weight.

  10. Good for you! You look very smart in your new clothes. And I admire you for taking one thing to the charity/2nd hand shop for every one new thing you bring home. I am currently trying to sort out my closet, which is starting to look a bit cluttered. I always feel quite virtuous when I have it tidied up for the season. So off I go -- now if I can just be as orderly and disciplined as you ... let's hope so anyway!

    1. Thanks CC, and good luck with your own sorting! :) Just now the decisions to give a lot of items away haven't been too hard for me, as many of the new clothes were bought to "replace" something else in the first place. But there are of course still a few items left in the wardrobe that I'm not sure about. (I could still wear them. But will I? Time will tell!)

  11. Well done for such a fine slimming effort. I am impressed indeed. The new clothes are great, and it's good that there is somewhere to recycle the old ones. I went shopping in a similar way to you today. I needed some smart black trousers. Now I have bought enough that I won't need to shop for black trousers for years! :)

    1. Thanks Jenny. You must feel reasonably confident that you're likely to remain the same size for a while then, I assume! ;)

  12. What a clever and systematic approach, Monica! And you look very good in your new things (not that you didn't look good before - it is just very rare that you show us pictures of yourself, unlike me, who has to brag about every new addition to her wardrobe).
    Your things look like good quality and I like your timeless clean-cut style.

    1. Thanks Meike. Not working any more, and very rarely attending social events that require a really dressed-up style, I try to keep my basic wardrobe rather simple and practical, and in colours easily matched. The items I find worth spending a bit more money on are primarily the everyday ones, like comfortable shoes, outdoor jackets, jeans and t-shirts etc that are likely to keep their shape and colour through many rounds of washing. At the sales, I may then go browsing for a bit more odd items "just for fun", to add a little glamour :)


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