
Wednesday 25 June 2014

Revisiting and Catching Up

I suppose you might be wondering what I’ve been up to since my last post on Midsummer Eve… I’m kind of wondering myself where the time has gone to.

The rest of the Midsummer weekend was kind of chilly and I spent much of it indoors, catching up with an abandoned book, a bit of paperwork and “whatever”.

I’ve also let myself get wrapped up in revisiting (on DVD) the classic British TV series Brideshead Revisited from 1981 (adaptation of Evelyn Waugh's novel from 1945). There’s something kind of hypnotic about the tempo in which it’s told; and even more so when one is able to choose one’s own pace of watching (not having to wait a week or whatever for the next episode)…


Then on Monday I revisited the exhibition of sculptures in and around the Textile Fashion Center, together with my aunt and uncle, who were in town for the day. We also had lunch at the restaurant within the Center.

2014-06-02 Textile Fashion Center, sculptures

This is Michael by Xavier Veilhan.  It’s supposed to be “reminiscent of early Modernism’s endeavours for reduction, to portray the human body as a regular structure – man as architechture”. The artist is the same who made the sculpture Vibration  which I’ve shown in an earlier post (blue horse and wagon).

Why this one is called Michael, the brochure does not tell. Thinking about it now, I come to the conclusion that it must include a reference to Michaelangelo (who was good at angles as well as bodies). I had to think in English to come up with that, because in Swedish that play on words (angel/angle) does not apply!

Later on Monday I got my HP Slate Book back from the “computer hospital” where I had to send it a couple of weeks ago when it suddenly collapsed and refused to recharge its batteries (after I’d only had it a few weeks).

As I suspected, the fault turned out to be in the AC charger, and all it needed was a new cord. But of course they would not take my word for that, so I had to send the whole thing to the repair shop. And before I did that, I thought it best to uninstall the personal apps and accounts I was logged into… Which means that when I got it back, I had to start everything over more or less from scratch. So no wonder perhaps that yesterday seemed to swish by rather quickly too.

Today I’ve basically had a householdy day of washing and cleaning; but also managed to slip away to revisit a nearby shoe shop and catch up with their sale…





  1. I love your red sandals! And also Michael. He has a huge reputation to fill. O.K. you can get the whole entire show all on one D.V.D.? I am tempted, is it an English period piece, like upstairs Downstairs and Downton Abbey? Is there a conclusive ending? Is it really good?

    1. Four DVDs, 11 episodes (the first and the last about 1:30 each, the rest about 55 min each). It's set in the time period between the two world wars. I would not quite compare it to Upstairs Downstairs or Downton as it does not show much "downstairs". It does reflect the changes going on in British society in the 20s and 30s. It also reminds of The Great Gatsby in some ways. But I'd also say it's different in that the Catholic church and faith play a big part.

  2. I'm glad your slatebook is back home and hope you continue t get enjyment out of it. I'm now carrying my tablet around with me and using it as a notebook as well as being able to read my latest crime mystery wherever I am.
    I love the sandals (though :m sure GB will have a more modern name for them!)

    1. I'm glad you find your tablet helpful, John. I'm still "catching up" with mine, getting re-aquainted... But yes, I missed it during the weeks it was gone! :)
      Sandals is what I would call my new shoes myself.

  3. A superb sculpture. You are lucky to have so much art on public display.

    1. Adrian - as I've not been able to travel much recently, I'm very glad that the World of Art has decided to come here instead!

  4. Love your sandals, I've been looking for a pair of red ones, but usually they're too shiny. I enjoyed the '81 version of Brideshead Revisited, I keep thinking I need to read the book.

    1. Janet, I was looking for sandals of this type a bit earlier in the season and did not find any then. So was happy to find these now, and on sale! (Let's not go into the fact that in between I bought another pair that I'm not likely to wear a lot because they were not really what I was looking for!)

  5. i have never watched a series on DVD but know i would like it. we discussed we would like to watch 24 from beginning to end without commercials and when we wanted to. like those sandals and glad you are having sandal wearing weather... Michael is odd to say the least...

    1. Sandra, I have collected a number of my old favourites from TV on DVD because I know that I do enjoy watching them over again. I suspect in a few years time physical DVDs may be all out of fashion though - everything just stored up in the "clouds" ;)

  6. I too have been getting wrapped up in several series and on DVD too, lol. Fun times.
    Love the new sandals...nothing like a summer sale.

  7. Nice find at the shoe shop!
    Monica, you are a woman after my own heart - not very many people would have thought of deinstalling their personal stuff before handing over their PC to the computer hospital people!
    Ah, the memories of "Brideshead"... I was in my early teens when it was shown on TV here in Germany, and we (me, my sister and our girlfriends) all loved it.
    How YOUNG Jeremy Irons was!

    1. I've never had to send in a PC for repair before... As the problem was not with accessing anything on it but only with the power supply, I did not feel happy about handing it over with a lot of apps "open". As I'd only had the device for a month I did not have much else stored on it so with the limited battery power I had left I found it best to just reset it to factory settings - as there was quite a simple way to do that. The alternative would have been to change a lot of individual passwords and I think that would have been more trouble than starting over again to reinstall the various apps on the tablet when I got it back!


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