
Saturday 5 July 2014

Sporty Weekend Reflections


As mentioned in my “shoot out” post from last weekend, this past week we’ve had a lot of different sports activities going on here – Swedish Championship Week (‘SM’) in about 40 various types of sport.

Some of the days unfortunetly turned out very rainy, and as I’m not one of those sports enthusiasts who will glady stand around getting wet and cold in order to see other people getting even wetter, it wasn’t until yesterday I joined the crowds for a while with my camera. But then the weather was rather perfect for both participants and spectators.


Just getting into town at all was a bit tricky since the streets between the town center and where I live had been turned into a cycle-racing track surrounded by fences, and with guards at every pedestrian crossing.



In the river, there were various wet acitivites going on:




I’m not sure if the water polo players found the temperature in the river perfect as well.



Up on land, next to the river, they have been throwing stones smashing squash balls in a glasshouse…


… and in the main square, as I passed by, what was previously in the week a sandy boules court, was now being converted into a basket ball ground.



There was also a lion let loose in town. Probably a friendly one, but some children preferred to keep a wary distance. (Wise kids. Best ask mummy first.)


All in all, “something for everyone”, I guess.

Myself, I did not hang around long enough in one place  to watch any game in full, but I enjoyed the walkabout.

Linking to Weekend Reflections (first photo in particular).

[PS. Sorry to have no sunset picture for FMTSO... Some days the sun has refused to show it’s face at all; and when it did come out, it popped out of bed before me, and stayed up later than I did!]


  1. this is a walkabout i would love... i like both of the shots through the glass windows.. so much to see in each one and the action shot of the bikers curving around the corner is beautiful..

    1. Thanks Sandra. Those are my favourite shots as well!

  2. Shame you didn't have a sunset photo (could have been an archival one as well :)) But these are great. Love all of these fun activities.

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. Mersad, a quick search in my archives only came up with sunsets from the wrong season (silhouettes of bare branches etc. Felt wrong somehow! :-)

  3. Blimey you really did have a lot going on all at the one time DT, you'd be running around like a headless chook trying to catch it all :)

    1. Good thing I'm not really that interested in sports... Only after some photo opportunities! :-)

  4. Your action shots are very good! I especially like the macro bike race and the swimming. But my favorite is the first pic. The reflection picture is so good, and what a wonderful palm tree!! AND you gotta love those yellow shoes!

  5. Great reflection. Difficult to see who is playing and who is watching.

    1. Thanks. I like trying to get images like that :-)

  6. I had a "sporty" Saturday, with some reflections: cleaning my apartment and the staircase, and now my glass-topped coffee table is nicely reflecting the painting on the wall again :-)
    Plus I watched bits of the Tour de France, which normally is not my cup of tea at all. But it was "Le Grand Départ" in Yorkshire, and of course I had to look at the beautiful landscape, and know some of the places the tour went through quite well.

    1. I might have watched for a bit for that reason too, Meike :-)

  7. Looks like a fun day and I'm glad that at least the sun showed up for part of the day.

    1. We've had a warm and sunny and rain free weekend to follow, Virginia. Hopefully somewhat improving our reputation. (We are known as one of the rainiest cities in Sweden.)

  8. Ah well, the sun will set again, but who knows? Those athletes may never return to your town again. I love the squash shots with all those reflections.

  9. What a great walking tour. So fun and colorful. We attended a water polo game last week. Our grandson Elijah is goalie for his team. Fast moving game.

  10. Surely this is a site well worth seeing.

  11. I'm not a sports enthusiast in general but I'd have enjoyed a good wander around.


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