
Friday 3 October 2014

Don’t Ask Me


I’m thinking of having this made into a big button to wear on my coat whenever I’m out and about in town.

I might look trustworthy (if I didn’t, I don’t suppose I’d get asked as much!); but more often than not, I feel absolutely useless when it comes to giving directions to people how to get to a place - especially if they’re driving (as I don’t drive in town myself, and never keep in my head which streets are open for traffic and which I can only use when walking). But I’m afraid I’m not always much use to pedestrians either, as I’m not all that good at remembering street names and numbers. Knowing how to get there myself is one thing; giving directions to somebody else is another matter!

Today, having been into town for some groceries in the morning, I was sitting on a bench waiting for my bus back home, when a young immigrant woman (pushing a pram) came up to me and waved a piece of paper about and asked me for help. The heading told me she was looking for the Public Dental Service. So I told her to go past a nearby kiosk, cross the street and she’d be there. For some reason this answer seemed to confuse her a little; but she did toddle off in the direction I pointed ut.

So I was happy with myself until I’d got on my bus; and then my brain woke up and started throwing doubts at me. Okay, I visited that dental service once – but how many years ago? 15? 20? (I only went there for an emergency once when my regular dentist was out of town…) And didn’t I notice, only a few weeks ago, a sign with that name (public dental service) on a completely different building in another street, in the exact opposite direction? and didn’t that make me reflect that “oh, they must have moved”…??

When I got home, I googled. It seems the Public Dental Service actually has surgeries/offices in both those places in central town. As I did not look for a street address on the letter, I can only hope I happened to point her to the right one. She might still have had difficulties finding that one though, as the entrance is from the other side of the building…

Could someone tell me, please, why my brain seems to still keep outdated and more or less useless memories on top for easy access, while it pushes the fresher ones off to the back, from where it takes ages (or at least many minutes) to dig them out??

2014-09-20 kretsloppet

Linking (possibly a little bit off the mark) to
Friday My Town Shoot Out: Personal

The images are from recycling/closed loop festivities going on in town on a Saturday a couple of weeks ago.


  1. I can give directions, but not street names. We've lived in our house 11 years and though I know all the street names in our area I don't know which street is which.

    1. There are some streets in town whose names I always get mixed up, Janet!

  2. This sounds so familiar, Monica! You probably know that I don't drive, either, and therefore am pretty useless when it comes to explain the route from A to B in my town with any other means of transport than my own two feet... What do I care whether a particular street is one way for cars or not? I just walk, and can use paths and alleys that are not open to cars, usually meaning I have a much shorter route than someone who drives everywhere.
    Earlier this week, an immigrant woman whose German was very limited showed me a letter with an address I did recognize - but found very difficult to describe to her, especially as she didn't seem to understand my directions. I gave up in the end and apologized to her for not being able to help. I did point her towards the general direction and advised her on asking again once she'd get closer...
    I probably don't get asked as much for directions because I usually walk very fast, and people hesitate stopping me :-)

    1. Except for the last bit (speed) we seem to have rather similar experiences, Meike ;)

  3. Those bubble rides are certainly for the young. I would be to claustrophobic to get into one.

  4. your last question is one i ask myself often. i can remember things that are ablsolutey of no worth at all and things i need to remember just fly away. i also do the give and answer like you did then lather go OH NO that was not right... i like that last photo of the roller thingys.. i am one who always knows what street i am on and the names of streets, hubby knows how to go all over but doesn't know names. he can't give directions. i think it is something we are either born with or not....

    1. The "oh no" part is really so annoying when one can't even go back and apologise ;)

  5. Wow, those are so cool! It would be the best adventure to get in one. But I do so hate throwing up. I have an awful sense of direction and even get lost in my doctors office and other big buildings!!

    1. I prefer staying on land just watching, Ginny!

  6. I don't remember street names either (actually, I don't pay attention to street names). I like landmarks better (but then I get in trouble at night when I can't see my landmarks!) Oh well! Make 2 buttons!

    1. Usually I only pay attention to street names (and numbers) when looking for a specific address. Which I don't very often find a need to do in my own town.

  7. I would love to do that activity. Looks like a lot of fun. Giving bad directions is very embarrassing in retrospect (and has happened to me as well) :) Thank you for linking up with Friday My Town Shoot Out!

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. I can't see myself volonteering to actually go into one of those things, Mersad...

  8. You commented - "Could someone tell me, please, why my brain seems to still keep outdated and more or less useless memories on top for easy access, while it pushes the fresher ones off to the back, from where it takes ages (or at least many minutes) to dig them out?? "
    If you get an answer please forward it to me! (Not that I'll remember why you've done it...)

    1. I'll make a mental note of that, Scriptor... Not that I can guarantee I'll find it when I need it!

  9. Going somewhere and giving someone else directions are two such different things that I sometimes think that I really need a different brain when dealing with the two.

  10. Don't worry, I'm sure the lady found the right office in the end.
    I'm usually good with directions, but sometimes my brain's filing system gets stuck and names are hard to retrieve at a moments notice.
    I would love to ride in one of those plastic bubbles on the water....looks like a lot of fun.


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