
Monday 8 December 2014

Busy Days


This is the kind of stuff that’s been keeping me busy over the weekend, if anyone is wondering. I discovered on Saturday that my overseas Christmas cards should have been posted already on Friday… They’re still not posted, as today I’ve been busy with: 1/ getting my phones restarted with their new SIM-cards, and 2/ laundry.

So my cards & letters still haven’t got any further than to my own nondigital “out-box” in the hall…


(Photos emailed to myself from my new phone.)


  1. Me too! And yes, I had been wondering what was going on. I am hoping to get the first ones sent out tomorrow.

    1. I really don't know what's happening to Time lately. I should have lots of it but somehow I don't!

  2. Most of my Saturday was taken up with writing Christmas cards and wrapping up all the presents for the big parcel that goes to my Yorkshire family every year. Yesterday, Monday, I took everything to the post office. The gentleman behind the counter (he always likes to chat a bit, but always in the kindest manner) remarked that I must have been very busy. I paid nearly 30 Euros on postage for everything!
    But I love receiving Christmas cards, and parcels, and already have three cards and two parcels there in my living room. The parcels won't be opened until Christmas Day, of course.

    1. I love Christmas cards and I usually get started with mine early - and yet always seem to end up somewhat in a rush anyway! :)

  3. Heaven alone knows when I was supposed to post all my cards to NZ and North America but I've only just bought them so it'll be the end of the week before they go anywhere else.

    1. Sometimes Graham it seems like a kind of lottery with snail mail anyway, these days - or perhaps 'twas always so... ;)

  4. At least your cards have been written, so that's worth something in my book.
    Seems like you're getting the hang of your new phone, and that's good.

    1. My overseas ones now posted, Virginia. Remains to be seen whether I manage to get the Swedish ones off in time... I've got next weekend as well to finish those, though ;)

  5. What a cute basket to hold your cards. I need to find one for mine.

    1. Thanks Wanda - I painted that basket myself years ago. It hangs on the wall next to my front door so that I should see the letters and cards in it when I go out.

  6. I stooped cards years ago but then you already know that.. the emailed pics are great.. what a good feature. i am late getting around, doing therapy on my knee.

  7. Oh boy, I know what you mean. It is nice to get cards from friends. I cut my card list way down a couple years ago. It is much easier to handle now.


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