
Tuesday 20 January 2015

Teaser Tuesday


• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

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   ‘It was dark and she was two door doors down, so what she actually saw was…?’
‘Silhouette of a tall figure in a cloak, carrying a holdall.’

Robert Galbraith (J.K. Rowling) – The Silkworm

. . .

One day he was adding a line or two with enormous labour to ‘The Oak Tree, A Poem’, when a shadow crossed the tail of his eye. It was no shadow, he soon saw, but the figure of a very tall lady in riding hood and mantle crossing the quadrangle on which his room looked out.”

Virginia Woolf – Orlando: A Biography

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… As I mentioned yesterday, I’m reading Orlando because it was referred to in The Silkworm (recently finished) …


  1. The Bold and the Free by D.L. Bishop
    With dozens of strangers watching her, Toni left her basket and darted back to the automotive section, so no one would see her cry.

    I'm calling the police, the manager said

  2. They really are teasers. Both quite mysterious and brooding.

  3. Unfortunately, my current read is in German, so sharing my teasers won't be of much use to anyone. Yours do sound intriguing.

  4. "Don't ever let me in a room with that man again, because only one of us will come out alive........And it won't be him!" [David Baldacci - The Target]. I laughed when I read this as I have quite often said it in th past when blowing off steam :) Obviously, futile words :) I love David Baldacci books.


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