
Friday 20 February 2015

From Neighbourhood to Wonderland


Yesterday the neighbourhood was almost completely snow-free for the first time in a while, and I went for a little walk.

There is a shortcut footpath between two roads, along the foot of a rock and a copse of wood…

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… and on the other side of that hill there is a Mystery Door into the rock, which I don’t think I’ve ever seen open before. But yesterday it was, so of course I had to sneak a shot… (feeling a bit like a spy…)


My guess is that this was originally built for military purposes and/or as a shelter. These days it seems to be used for something to do with electricity – but exactly what, I don’t know...

… The tunnel, however, might end up in Wonderland; because pretty much on the opposite side of the hill (I had to go round, of course, because I don’t think I’d have been allowed to go through), I found these:


White rabbits, and hedgehogs…
If we’re not in Wonderland, where are we?

Image result for alice in wonderlandImage result for alice in wonderland


If your guess was a florist’s shop, you were right.
And there I bought these tulips to take home.


2oth February was my mum’s birthday. She died in 2009; but if she had lived, she’d have been 85 today.  As tulips are the most common cut flowers to be found in the shops here in February, there was usually a bouquet or two of them for her birthday. Now I bought these for myself to enjoy; but thinking of her (and that vase they’re in was hers).

Linking to FMTSO – Neighbourhood

Friday My Town Shoot Out

PS. It snowed a little again today. Winter is not over yet.


  1. This was fun and beautiful, Monica! I think I would have asked the person visible in the tunnel what the tunnel was for.
    I don't think you've ever shown us the copse and the rock, it's a beautiful place - and so are the tulips with their cheerful spring colours!
    It's been gorgeous here today, sunny and warm enough for me to do a bit of sunbathing (fully dressed, of course) on my windowsill in the afternoon.

  2. so glad you could get out to capture photos for us and to keep you from getting cabin fever from staying inside. i love the roots on that tree growing in the rock hillside.the pop of orange is wonderful. and those rabbits and hedge hogs are just to cute.. that is a really odd room behind the door.....did you look for secret agents? LOL... enjoyed your walk

    1. I'm not as brave as Alice, I didn't dare follow the man into the tunnel... Who knows what they've got hidden in there... ;)

  3. As is often the case with magic, Meike, it's not every day that that neighbourhood path leads to Wonderland. Some days it's just a short dirtpath between two rather dull streets, and of no interest at all except as a convenient shortcut from one to the other ;)

  4. Beautiful pictures. What a lovely tribute to your mother xxx

  5. Our moms died at almost the same time. And I know you think about her every day, because I do. That tunnel is amazing, like out of James Bond!! I think there was a similar one in a Bond movie and the bad guy was going to shoot a rocket off from there. This is incredible! I love the hedgehogs and bunnies, just a little over a month till Easter!

  6. Well I'd never have guessed a florists shop. That was a lovely way of remembering your Mum.

  7. I am an Alice fan so I liked your post! It is good to remember your mum. I prefer to remember mine on her birthday, too. That tunnel looks intriguing. .


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