
Thursday 19 March 2015

Booking Through Thursday


A 2nd hand bookshop in town I passed by today.
(Yes, I did pass by!)


It seems it was a while since my last BTT post, so I’ll make up for it by short answers to a few old ones as well this week…


 Spring (March 19)

What new book would make you spring out of your chair and run to the bookstore? (Or library, or nearest computer screen, depending on your book-delivery-method of choice.)

The first author that sprung to mind for me to check up on to see whether there might be a new book coming was Kate Morton. (I’ve read her previous four.) Yes! Her Facebook page, post dated 17 March, says “It's coming! New book, October 2015.” (Lake House).


Bookcases (March 12)

Two part question:

In an ideal world, what kind of book cases would you have? Built-ins? Barrister ones with glass doors? The cheapest you could find so you could have lots of them?

And … what kind of bookcases do you REALLY have?

A library with built-in look-alike book cases from floor to ceiling would of course be great… But I think I’d like to be able to adjust the distance between the shelves. And while glass doors would of course be great to protect the books from gathering dust, I do think that open shelves are more inviting. I suppose I could go for a compromise – glass doors on some only. And I think I might also want drawers at the bottom of some.

Reality? A hotchpotch of different cheap ones (and none with glass doors), bought or inherited over 40+ years… Some genuine wood, some veneer. Some dark brown, some pine, some white. Some high, some low. Even if the majority of my books are in my study, there are also bookshelves (and books) in the living room and the bedroom.


Covers (March 5)

Hardcovers or paperbacks?

What I prefer depends on the kind of book. Hardcovers are of course better for books frequently used. Paperbacks on the other hand are cheaper, lighter and take up less space… And the last few years (my bookcases being full, and my eyes getting more easily tired) I’ve mostly bought ebooks and audio books…  Allowing my library to keep growing without taking up more physical space!


Short (Feb 27)

So, in honor of the shortest month of the year … how do you feel about short stories? Love them? Prefer them to novels?

On the whole I must say I usually prefer novels to short stories. Of course sometimes a short story can be just the thing – or even a collection of them. But if there is no common theme (or characters), I prefer to read short stories only now and again (like in between longer books) rather than a whole collection of them all in a row. I prefer it, I think, when I can “remain” in a story for a bit longer (if I like it!) and it doesn’t end too abruptly.


  1. I love short stories! Especially because I don't have much time. And a great one can have a big impact in a short amount of time. Ah, the prefect are in for a long sermon now! Growing up, I had what we used to be called a bookcase bed. They were wonderful! The headboard consisted of a bookcase shelf. This was for your glasses, tissues, alarm clock, book you were reading, and even the next couple books you were going to read. Just think of it, no getting out of bed to fumble for your glasses or blow your nose!! Sadly, they are a thing of the past now and found only in antique shops (I guess this makes ME an antique) My friend wanted one so bad that she had one built! So that would be only one of my ideal bookcases.

    1. Ginny, I've seen that kind of bookcase headboard on TV but I think I'd be afraid something might fall down from there in the night and hit me on the head! ;) I have a small shelf on wheels as bedside table and there I keep those kinds of things.

  2. My bookcases I have now are not all that attractive, but I've made do. When we lived in the country, my husband built floor-to-ceiling bookcases on two walls. We stained them a transparent blue. They were beautiful with trim on sides. They appeared to be built-ins. At bedtime, I prefer books to be either on my tablet or a paperback. I do like short stories when I'm my car, an office, etc.

    1. Those floor-to-ceiling bookcases sound wonderful, Norma. (And I love blue in interior decoration!)

  3. I love news of a new book by a favorite author! It's like Christmas!

  4. You would love my Antique Swivel Bookcase that reaches from floor to ceiling. It's my favorite piece of furniture..and holds books, some of my MIL milk glass, and photos of family in small frames.

    1. A swivel bookcase sounds very interesting, Wanda!

  5. My answer to the last question would be exactly the same as yours, Monica.
    As for the first question, which book would have me run to the book store: If Alexander Gerst (German astronaut) would publish something.

    1. Thanks for the explanation of who he is, Meike - I would not have known who he is from just the name. (I did of course google anyway...)

  6. this is funny because in the answere to the first question about what would make me jump and run. i just did two days ago. I love Lee Child's series of books about Jack Reacher. Number 18 came out last Sept and i put myself on the hold list at our library. i was number 75 waiting... I got the call the book was in, raced down to pick it up from the library and finished it last night. 2 days and done. i prefer kindle but when it is a new book i can't wait for it to get on kindle list.

    1. Another one I had to look up! Doesn't sound quite like my favourite genre, so I don't think it will have me jump and run... ;)

  7. I love Kate Morton too, but even more I'm thrilled that the new Elly Griffith is coming out this month in the states.

    1. Yet another name I had to look up, but when I did, I felt that one title sounded familiar... Turns out I have one of her books on Kindle, probably it was temporarily free at some point. I'll move it up on the to-read list :)

  8. I would like to try Kate Morton again someday. I attempted to read one of her earlier books last year, but didn't get far into it.

  9. After reading your answers I had to go to my open-fronted, wall-to-ceiling-whole-wall bookcase to see whether The House at Riverton (which I once started but never finished) was still in the 'to be read' section or had been relegated to the bookshelves lining one wall of the attic. It's still in the living room so it's moved up a few notches.


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