
Saturday 14 March 2015

What has it got in its pocketses?

One of the things that the Spring Sun tends to do is make us (girls – perhaps also boys?) look into our wardrobes and exclaim: “I have nothing to wear!”

I’m having a little bit of a difficulty convincing myself about the truth in that this year though; as I was in a major shopping frenzy all last year (after losing weight) and it seems that what I bought then still fits. (Which is in itself, of course, a good thing.)

However, I think found a shopping loophole (or two). 1/ There may be  things that I looked for last year but could not find (and if bought other things instead, those, according to the laws of shopping excuses, do not count); and 2/ there are of course always things that one has to buy simply because if one doesn’t, who knows if they will still be there in the right size if one happens to realise later that one needs them after all.

Like, for example, a skirt with lots of pockets.

I love pockets. I do of course have items in my wardrobe without pockets as well; but I tend to end up not wearing those much, simply because it’s so much more practical most of the time to wear something with pockets.

So when I happened to lay eyes on this skirt, I simply could not resist it. Because… you-already-know…

2015-03-13 clothes1

Lots of pocketses for all my Preciousss Treasures…

The fabric is 100% cotton, thin and unlined, so it’s  a casual summer skirt for warm weather. It will be a while yet before that’s the right item to wear here. But… (I already explained!)

2015-03-13 clothes

Photos put through some various Picasa filters to show off the pockets and seams better. (It strikes me that this could be another take on the FMTSO theme “shapes”…)


  1. Practical and pretty at the same time, a good find!
    For me, pockets are very rare - most of my dresses, all of my skirts and the majority of my (business) trousers come without. Jeans have them, of course, but I hardly ever use them; I don't like the "bulge" anything bigger than a 10-Euro-note creates in a pocket, and I'm afraid of losing something important like my keys or a train ticket etc. if they're in a pocket instead of safely tucked away in my handbag.
    Of course, there are times when I am happy about pockets, such as the ones on some of the zip-ups I wear for running (the pockets can be zipped, too). Without them, I'd have to carry my keys, a pack of tissues and my mobile phone in my hands while running; not really advisable, and of course there is no way I'd be able to run properly with a handbag (also, I dislike those belt-bags some runners wear - again, too bulky for my liking).

    I like the "Law of Shopping Excuses" - am a strict adherent to it myself :-)

    1. As I have no office to go to, Meike, my everyday wear is more adjusted to what's practical at home :) Jeans and jean skirts are really the all-year-round basis of my wardrobe. And various kinds of zip-up cardigans/jackets too.

  2. i love it, pockets are my thing since i don't carry a purse.

    1. When I go into town I usually do carry a purse Sandra (shoulder bag) - and sometimes a light rucksack as well, depending on my errands).

  3. If we lived close, we would shop together all the time. Shopping and snapping are my to favorite things to do. And I will use any excuse! We both rock for losing so much weight! How much did you lose and how did you do it? I love the skirt! I also love pockets, but sometimes forget to clean them out before washing!

    1. You've got a point about remembering to empty the pockets before putting them in the washing machine, Ginny! :)

  4. Well that's something else we share Monica. I, too, love pockets although I don't wear skirts. Unless, of course, you count a kilt and that doesn't have pockets.

    1. If only it would be fashionable for women to wear sporrans, Graham! (had to look that word up, I keep forgetting it) Would take the weight off my shoulders! :)

    2. You could create a new fashion Monica. A sort of up-market bum-bag.

  5. I'm a pocket kind of gal. Cute skirt.

    1. Thanks Wanda. I fell for the variety of the pockets, that they don't all look the same. :)


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