
Thursday 28 May 2015

Blogworld Trouble

For years now I've been using Windows Live Writer to create my blog posts and publish them. Today suddenly WLW does no longer work with Blogger. I found a Microsoft discussion forum that shows that I'm not alone. There seems to be some sort of unresolved issue between Blogger and Microsoft. I'm giving up for today... It's been so long since I tried blogging directly in Blogger that I've almost forgotten how to do it (with pictures and all). I hope they'll find a way to fix it, or I may have to start looking for alternatives.


  1. if you need help with blogger post email me. i don't like window writer, it is much easier to use blogger.
    let me know if you want pointers or have questions.

    1. Thanks Sandra. I love Windows Live Writer though (or well, I did until now). Found it sooo much easier to use and I could post to any of my blogs on different accounts, from the same place.

  2. Please do not go away from blogger - I would so miss your posts, and am very reluctant (if not to say unwilling) to sign up with yet another platform.
    Strangely enough, I have never considered writing a blog post anywhere else than directly on the blogger interface... The only exceptions are guest posts which reach me by email and are then copied into Blogger.

    1. Thanks Meike. I don't really want to go away from Blogger either. I just wish the Giants of the Internet would see the advantages of cooperating on these kinds of issues rather than forcing users to choose. I guess I'll re-learn to use the Blogger editor, I just found Live Writer so much easier (i.e. as long as it actually worked).

  3. I've never used Windows Live Writer....I write my posts directly into Blogger.
    I hope you find a way to get around it and stay with Librarian above I would miss your posts.
    There are several tutorials and forums with lots of details on blogging in Blogger, but if there is anything I can help you with, I'm willing to help.

    1. Thank you, Virginia. Well, it seems I did manage to re-do my intended post for today anyway (starting over from scratch in the Blogger editor).

  4. Monica, yes it has happened to me as well. There are two main problems with the Blogger compiler the first being that you have to be on line and the second is that it is rubbish. Most of the alternatives to WLW are little better than Blogger but there are a few here:


    It has happened before and will suddenly start working again.

    1. Later, if I post, I will try writing in plain text then format into HTML when I've finished the post. I get sick of trying to get stuff to fit around photographs in an easily read and attractive way. Most Bloggers find it impossible in the blog editor. The upside is that I can try and produce some mouse rollover pictures.

    2. Thanks very much for the link, Adrian. If the problem with WLW does not get sorted out, I might check out some of those options. In the meantime, I'll give it a go to get on with the Blogger editor.. It's been so long since I last used it that I feel like a newbie, though!

  5. I seldom have problems writing directly on Blogger. Times that I have had, I just save my post and come back to it later and the problem has solved itself (saying that because I have no idea why it works later) I have not heard of Windows Live Writer.

    1. We tend to get used to things, Norma... Until we suddenly come across something better! And then it can be a struggle if one has to go back to the old ways again...

  6. I use the blogger editor as well. It's fairly simple and straightforward. Gives you also lots of HTML freedom, as well as regular writing and editing. Image loading is no problem as well.

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. Didn't have to worry about HTML in WLW, Mersad... ;) so I've forgotten most of the little I knew.

  7. When I used Windows I used Windows Live Writer sometimes when I couldn't access the internet or when I was in NZ where I had no internet at the hose for a while and relied on a dongle (limited and expensive). I also used Blogo. When I went to Apple some years ago neither of those options were open to me. However Blogo has just become available to Apple users and I've started using it again when I need to write off-line. For most of the time I have to say that I don't find any problems with editing in Blogger on line.

    1. '...neither of those options was open to me.' An inexcusable grammatical lapse.

    2. Graham, I'm not sure I've even heard of Blogo before, I shall have to check that out. Today I did manage a post in the Blogger editor without screwing things up, even if it took me a good while to figure out how to get everything in the right size and place (it's literally been years since I last used their editor). Well I guess I'll adjust if I need to. But you know how it is when something that has worked well just suddenly stops working without warning. You spend hours trying to figure out what has gone wrong. In this case, I thought at first it had something to do with clearing my browser history the other day, and that I had gone senile and forgotten my password. Then I thought maybe I needed to update the software to a newer version, so went looking for that. It was very late in the day before I found the forum discussion with other people going through the same frustration... I'm still hoping for Microsoft to sort it out, but that remains to be seen!

    3. I can't find any Blogo for Windows, only Mac?

    4. Monica I'm utterly perplexed. Blogo is a Mac only app. I was sure that I used it in Windows and recently read that it was now becoming available for Mac. I'm getting old and confused. If I ever find out what really happened I'll let you know.

    5. Perhaps at some point you were using both Mac and Windows computers? Never mind! I'll probably get used to the Blogger editor again if needed.

    6. I've remembered. Blogo wasn't available for Blogger only Wordpress. It's just become available for Blogger which is why I can now use it. Silly me.


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