
Monday 29 June 2015

Mosaic Monday: Lilacs & Rhododendron


A rather chilly spring and early summer here this year has meant an unusually long flowering season for some plants - for example lilacs and rhododenron. In the old graveyard where I often go for a walk, I found these two intertwined – a dark purple lilac tree, and a tall pale rhododendron, with its petals now dropping to the ground like snow. (This was Friday last week.)


Mosaic Monday


  1. it looks really pretty all twined in each others limbs... and i like the look of the snowy petals on the ground...

  2. I may have lost a comment...

    I had to check where you are located as our lilac season is long gone. I always love it when the flowering bushes begin their show.

    Also had an interesting time wandering about in your genealogy blog.

    1. I've not seen any lost comment about, Vee, so if it got lost, it really got lost... ;-)
      Both May and June were unusually chilly without any heat waves here which made all the early flowers last longer than normal.
      Glad you enjoyed the genealogy blog - I haven't had much time for that in the last year, but hope to get back to it.

  3. Isn't it lovely when two flowering trees can intertwine and complement each other with their blooms? I like the petals on the ground too.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  4. It's beautiful! I imagine the scent was lovely, too.
    Over here, both lilac and rhododendron have been gone for several weeks, and looking at the fields now when I'm out for a walk or a run, it feels like high summer already (it's warm enough for that, too). Your pictures remind me of that magic time that is spring at its best.

    1. 'Normally' the season for lilacs and rhododenron would have been over here too, Meike. Warmer weather on its way now though so they're fading fast now.

  5. I love the pretty lilacs and rhodos. Lovely images and mosaic! Enjoy your day and have a happy week ahead!

  6. To have those blooms still is amazing and what breathtaking images!

  7. How beautiful, love the way you got the blossoms on their bushes ad then after they had scattered. Very pretty! If you have not already, please do stop by my 6 year blog anniversary post. Have a great day~


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