
Sunday 14 June 2015

Royal Wedding No. 3

Yesterday, Prince Carl Philip of Sweden married Miss Sofia Hellqvist, now Princess Sofia.

▲(Official wedding photos from▼

Prinsparet med familj. Foto: Mattias Edwall

This was the third royal wedding in Sweden in a period of five years – but now we’ll have to wait a long time for the next generation of princesses (and maybe princes-to-come) to grow up. (Princess Estelle, daughter of the Crown Princess, is the smallest of the three girls to the right in the official group photo above.)

These three weddings have been a boost for the popularity of our royal family; and each one of them also unique in their own way.

▼In June 2010*, Crown Princess Victoria made a prince out of Mr Daniel Westling, former gym-owner and personal trainer (now His Royal Highness Prince Daniel, Duke of Västergötland).  They made their wedding a public affair – not only the wedding ceremony in the church but also the dinner party and speeches afterwards was broadcasted live.
*(Link to my blog post from that wedding.)

Source: Wikimedia

▼In June 2013, Princess Madeleine married British-American businessman Christopher O'Neill. Mr O’Neill was offered the title of prince too, but declined, as he wasn’t keen on all the fuss and trouble that comes with it (like assuming royal duties and having to change his citizenship). Princess Madeleine remains a Swedish Princess, though. Their wedding ceremony was public, but the party was kept private.

Source: Wikimedia

▼The last of the three royal siblings to tie the knot was the middle child Prince Carl Philip. Yesterday he married Miss Sofia Hellqvist, former glamour model, TV reality show participant and yoga teacher; but also philantropist and founder of a Swedish-South African organisation called Project Playground, helping poor children in Capetown to a better life. In marrying into the royal family, Sofia became Her Royal Highness Princess Sofia, Duchess of Värmland.

Kortegen med prins Carl Philip och Sofia Hellqvist kommer fram till korsningen Hamngatan Regeringsgatan. TT

Carl Philip and Sofia followed the example set by Victoria and Daniel. I think this couple actually had many of us charmed even before the wedding, with their relaxed way of handling various interviews since their engagement.

The wedding ceremony was held in the Royal Chapel within the Palace. It offered some surprises, as they had chosen rather untraditional music for a royal wedding.

(I wanted to insert a YouTube clip here of their exit from the church which was accompanied by gospel music and everyone clapping hands, but seem unable to embed the video. Hopefully you can reach it through the link.)

Slottskyrkan, eftermiddagen lördagen den 13 juni. Foto: Pontus Lundahl/TT

Prins Carl Philip och hans hustru Sofia efter bröllopet i Slottskyrkan. TT

Prinsessan Sofia och prins Carl Philip kysser varandra efter vigseln i Slottskyrkan i Stockholm. TT.

Ursprungligen var Vita Havet två rum, drottningens matsal och hennes drabantsal. Vid en ombyggnad 1845 revs mellanväggen och det nya rummet inreddes som bankett- och balsal för Oskar I och drottning Josefina. Ekparketten med inläggningar av bland annat björk, mahogny och citron tillkom 1845. Foto: Alexis Daflos/
The room in the Royal Palace in Stockholm that was used for the wedding dinner. –

The dinner party afterwards was also broadcasted live. Cameras were off while they were eating (we then got snippets of other info instead, for example about the guests and dresses and food etc). But we got to see the various courses served, and hear the speeches – the King (father of the groom), then the father of the bride, the groom himself, and even a few words from the bride, introducing a song written especially for her husband.

Those of us who managed to keep awake until midnight and after also got to see the wedding cake cut, and the newly-weds opening the ball with a waltz.

I had initially only planned to watch the wedding ceremony and cortege in the afternoon, and then perhaps glimpses now and then during the evening… But I actually ended up watching pretty much the whole thing – i.e. from 3 pm until 1 am = 10 hours!


I bet some of the ladies in the wedding party were wishing from time to time during the evening that they’d been able to take off their shoes, too…


The Prince cutting the wedding cake with his sword, close to midnight… (off my TV screen)



  1. Sorry to be a spoil sport but where did he get his medals from? Look a nice pair. Whoops couple.

    1. You can read all about it in Wikipedia, Adrian... Subtitle "Honours", for the medals. The prince has got a military education and is a major of the Swedish Navy. In spite of having had problems with dyslexia (something he's now being very open about, speaking up for others with the same handicap), he's managed to get a degree in agricultural and rural management, and on top of that also graphic design. He's a good photographer. Aside from all that (and various "royal duties") he also competes in car racing.

    2. Sorry Monica but Sweden has been neutral for a century. He sounds like our lot but with a bit more go in him.

    3. Adrian, I suspect that whatever medals nobility get (and whatever for) they're more or less obliged to put them on, for occasions like this. For men in these circles they're probably what tiaras, necklaces and earrings are to the women. :)

  2. He is truly a very handsome prince and she is just as beautiful as he is Handsome. I would have watched it to but on DVR since i could not stay awake that late. i remember the other two weddings from your post on them... that is some beautiful dining hall... i loved the video of the song, watched it on your FB page.

    1. I very rarely stay up that late either, Sandra. I could have caught up on "play" on the computer the next day but somehow I got caught up in the spirit of the event. The commentators were doing a good job too and it just felt more exciting to watch it "live".

  3. They sound like a pretty down to earth couple, particularly for royals.

    1. Yes Janet, that's the impression I get as well, from what's been said by and about them now in connection with the wedding.

  4. Good to see more of the event than the very brief mention we got on the News. I quite enjoy a grand affair every few years and I loved seeing inside that beautiful church.

    1. Yes Pauline I tried to find some official images for this post that I could "borrow" to show off some of the grandeur :)

  5. What a TV marathon :-) But I guess that, like you, I would have ended up watching the whole thing life... it is just not really the same, is it, watching it some other day and not when and while it was actually happening.
    To me, the Swedish Royals have always seemed a bit more down-to-earth and modern-minded than many of their counterparts in other countries. And of course one can't but admire your Queen for how she has handled all the ups and downs of her marriage and public life.

    1. You're right Meike, there is something a bit extra special about watching things like this "live". And yes, no doubt our king made a good choice when he married Silvia Sommerlath :)

  6. All your royals are quite good looking! I got to ride in a carriage the last pre-Christmas with my love. I cherish that he thought of doing such a romantic thing.

    1. They are, Norma - and I suppose they have good stylists as well! I'm thinking that the ones going through the most agony about what to wear etc on these occasions must be the new in-laws (ordinary citizens, not used to being in the limelight) ... I know I'd be terrified!

  7. I suppose it's a 'man' thing but I couldn't watch a wedding at which I wasn't a guest with a real interest in the bride or groom. The one clip I did see on TV was of the bridegroom kissing his bride with his hat still on! My mother would not have approved.

    1. Maybe we have a different hat-iquette in Sweden, Graham! ;) (I have to confess I don't know.)
      As for watching the wedding on TV, this one made a better show than many other live events. Personally (maybe it's a girl thing...) I'd rather watch a royal wedding (after all, they're not that common) than for example a motorsport race - even if the prince was competing! (Saying that because he does compete in auto racing; and the king always took a keen interest in motorsports as well. I'm not sure how the queen feels about it, but I know she's had to attend a few as well, through the years!)


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