
Sunday 5 July 2015

Sun, Shadows & Reflections

We're having a bit of a heat wave this week - the first so far this summer to be worthy of the name (even by my standards). It's not likely to last much longer though (rain expected over night and a change to cooler weather following tomorrow). 

So I don't like to complain; I'm just stating a fact when I say that hot weather affects my blogging/ computer habits, as it gets too hot to spend much time in my study.

And then when I tried on Friday... It turned out Windows Live Writer had again stopped connecting to Blogger. So I gave up. 

WLW still not working today, so doing this post directly in Blogger. The photos are from Wednesday, which was the first day of the hot weather I think.

I went into town then in the afternoon, and before an errand or two I took a little walk along the river with the camera. And here are some of the things I saw.
A girl sitting by the river, reading a book.
Meeting myself in a complex window reflection.

The under-water-world in the river.

 And hello... What's that I spye with my little eye...

A damselfly. Then it really is summer!

Just courting his own shadow, though, it seems.

Linking to
Weekend Reflections
Shadow Shot Sunday


  1. You saw YOU and the Damsel saw the Damsel.. love both of those and i missed the girl in the photo until i read your words. i was caught up in the reflections...

    1. Sandra, I can't help but wonder if a Damselfly recognises his own shadow or not?

  2. Nice photos, I like how you caught your reflection.

  3. Amazing collection of photos...I like the first one the best... this is really fabulous...

  4. Excellent.
    I had no trouble with WLW today.

    1. I'm still not able to post from WLW, Adrian. Just tried my other account too which is connected to a gmail address but it was the same there. Not wasting time just now on further investigation. I'll wait a while and see if it sorts itself out. Or I'll get used to using Blogger again.

    2. Silly me. All my own fault. Fiddling around with my Blogger account settings for other reasons, I managed to remove the email address I've been trying to post to from WLW. Once I added it back, it works just fine again. Google just doing their job protecting "strangers" from posting on my blog :)

  5. The perfect outfit to keep reasonably cool on a hot day looking chic enough for town at the same time. 41 Celsius today on my parents' balcony today... 37/38 when I stepped off the train tonight after my weekend at and on the lake.

    1. Rather drastic weather change here today from over 30 yesterday back to around 16 - and rain, and strong wind!

  6. Great photos! I particularly enjoyed the girl reading a book and the Damselfly!
    Have a Great Week!
    Peace :)

  7. Did you meet yourself coming or going---or both? ;)

    Tangled in the Shade

    1. Put like that, I'm not really sure, MMT! ;)

  8. Loved these photos...I liked the underwater world photo the best.

    1. The underwater world fascinated me, too, Virginia. In other places along the river one doesn't get close enough to see the plants below the surface like that!

  9. what a surprising shadow capture! and it's good to see you even though it was in a complex reflection- love it!

    1. Norma, I was surprised that I could see that little shadow even from quite a distance. (With the camera I zoomed on it, of course.)

  10. Lovely shots. The heatwave is over for us here in Stockholm though.


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