
Friday 27 November 2015

1st Advent Weekend Reflections






All my Advent window lights are up now.
From to bottom: kitchen, bedroom, living room & study.

(Taking photos of window decorations must be one of the hardest things…! I had to put these photos through numerous editing filters in Picasa to get them presentable at all… Ah well…)

These four electric candlesticks have all been bought since I moved into my present flat (seven years ago). In my previous home I had two. My first one (from nearly 40 years ago) was replaced a couple of years ago; and now my other old one (from about 30 years ago) seemed to have given up as well. At least a change of lightbulbs had no effect. And as fiddling with more advanced electricity is not quite my thing, I then found it safer to go out and buy a new one.

So today I bought this one…


….to replace this one:


Weekend Reflections


  1. they are all really beautiful and i know they cheer up your home when they are on plus people passing by can see them. that is a shame that last one quit. it is really pretty. the first two are my favorites

    1. The first two are my favourites as well, Sandra. When I was looking around for a new one for the kitchen a few years ago, I found these two in different shops and couldn't decide between them. I finally decided the red one was best for the kitchen. But I bought the other one too because I liked it so much - and it's perfect in my bedroom where I don't put up a lot of other decorations.

  2. Great reflections. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Wonderful pictures and reflections!

  4. I'm not into Advent lights but if I were it would be the simplicity of the last one that I would go for.

    1. For me I think it's also a matter of what the room wants - which really goes beyond my photography skills to convey :)


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