
Tuesday 17 November 2015

Things I Don’t Like

Over the last week, in among all the political newscasts, I also spent a bit more time than usual on Facebook, checking out what was being shared there.

While doing so, it hit me once again that there are certain categories of FB posts I’m heartily tired of.

For example:

Any post that ends with “Share if you agree”. (Because that plays on group pressure and implies that whether you share or not, it Means Something.)

Exhortations to sign online petitions, for much the same reason.

“Share if you can see this.” Usually some kind of optical illusion,  with the added statement that only 5% or so of the world’s population can see it. Quite astonishing sometimes, how many of my fifty-few Facebook friends (and sometimes I too) seem to belong to that rare elite. (And what if I want to share because I can’t see it?)

“But what about everyone/everywhere/everything else.”
(As comment when someone makes a statement of sympathy for someone/somewhere/something in particular.)

Photos and film clips of cats and dogs dressed up as humans. Ordinary cute and funny I can take - in moderate portions. Pets in a shirt and tie or ballet skirt, not so much. (Unless you can convince me they chose it themselves and dressed without human help). (Which means children’s books drawings are not included in this general dislike, as they are generally totally convincing in that respect.)

I’m sure my list could be made much longer; and another day it might look different. (And you may feel free to agree or disagree or add your own dislikes or remain silent just as you please…)


  1. Ha, yes, I ignore lots of pleas from people on Facebook, especially the ones that state something obvious and say share if you agree or "I want to see if my friends are reading this. Share if you do, no fair just clicking on like". I do click on "like" if I like a post.

    1. Terra, if I do like something I'm often happy to officially like and share too. But I'm a lot more likely to do so if I'm left to make up my own mind about it...

  2. I agree with you about moving images, I spent considerable time last week trying to make an that image moved. I failed but didget some interesting patterns. I don't do Face Book.

    1. Adrian, optical illusion thingies can be fascinating every now and again - just not too often. (And typically on FB in a small circle of friends it's the same ones that get recirculated a lot...)

  3. I am not on Facebook, but I can very well imagine those posts and feel about them the same as you. Pets dressed up as humans - NOT cute. Of course, such sweet old-fashioned illustrations in childrens' books are different. No animal was actually dressed up for them!

    1. Meike, some things about Facebook I like, others (as above) not so much. :) What I do appreciate is that it keeps me (if loosely) in touch with a number of friends from my past with whom I might not otherwise be in touch at all. I joined originally (years ago) on request from a few Swedish friends but by now it's a mix of Swedish and international contacts.

  4. I do not like all of the ones you mentioned and i really hate the ones that say don't share this but copy and paste, if you don't copy and paste i know you are not reading my post.... i never share this or any of the ones you met. i also don't like the things that people share without making sure they are true. on FB about 90 percent of what is shared is not true.. i am not a fan of FB but have the account because without that i have no communication with family since they all gave up email and went to text and FB and twitter.

    1. Yes Sandra, I certainly agree it's important to check the truth of news/ rumours spread via sharing on FB. My reasons for being there are similar to yours, even if more because of friends than family. Some of my friends actually use it really well. But it's hard to get the newsflow to show only the stuff you're really interested in...

  5. I totally agree! I do little on Facebook, to me it's simply a way to communicate with far-flung family and let them know what we've been up to.

    1. Janet, I don't write a lot on Facebook but I publish a few photos and updates now and then. And I do have some old friends in particular whom I do enjoy following there.

  6. I and I think that around 98% of my friends in real life, but obviously not in Facebook life, feel as you do. I steadfastly ignore all entreaties. Share of you agree.


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