
Friday 18 December 2015

Decemer 18 - Battery Candles

These are especially for Sandra the Madsnapper, who posted about her own battery candles recently. Mine are a bit different, as they have no bulb sticking up, pretending to be the flame. Especially seen from the side, they look very real. And when touching them, the outside feels just like real candles too.

I'm not quite sure I would trust the Madsnapper with my fake candles though...

... because when these are not lit, they look so much like real ones that someone might actually try to light them by putting a match to them...

I'm not kidding! A few years ago I put one of this kind in a lantern on my parents' grave for Halloween. It seemed like a good idea, because they also have a built-in timer. From when first turned on, they will burn for five hours, and then will put themselves out for the next 19 hours, and turn themselves on again automatically at the same time the next day. So will burn every night for a few weeks without change of batteries.

However, I did not get to visit the village churchyard again until months later; and then when I took the candle out of the lantern, I deduced from the sooty marks on it, that at some point in between, someone (probably some old friend of my parents from the village) must have tried to light it with real fire - not realising that it was a fake one! Ooops...

So since then, I have not tried using these kinds of candles on graves again!

I often use these two on the table in my living room by the sofa, though - because it's safe to leave them burning while I go to and fro; and no fear of anything catching fire if I sit nearby and read a newspaper either. I do light real candles too, sometimes - but only when I feel it's safe... :)


  1. I think we have the same candles, love them.

  2. I love your fake battery candles.......they sure do look like the real thing, would've fooled me too.

  3. What with the cat, curiosity you know, I never light my candles and I miss the candle light. So this year I bought a set of battery candles and I love them.

    1. We always had cats at home, and I did, too, until my dear little old cat died nearly 4 years ago. It was never a problem to have real candles with them around, they did look but never touched.

  4. I must have a look around and see if they are available here. Never heard of them before! Seems a nice way to have candle light with little children around and feel safe.

    1. Yes Pauline, they're perfect whether it's oneself or someone else one does not trust!

  5. They are lovely. I have one battery candle, but love them and plan to get more.

    1. I also have a purple one but that one is a bit different with a bulb kind of flame. Not on top though but deep down, so that one looks quite realistic too.

  6. These do look very real indeed! I only have real ones at home, and only light them when I am around and not doing anything that might make me knock them over (such as practising dance moves in my living room or skipping rope in my bedroom).

    1. Aha Meike, I'm getting a new understanding of your preference for a clutter-free home enviroment... ;)

  7. they are beautiful, and they do look real. i have seen them on sale on TV on our shopping channel. i really enjoyed the story of your candle for your parents. and i can understand them trying to light it... love this post. candles are very dangerous. in 1985 we had an air conditioner in our wall. it was running and i had lit a tall candle beside our bed... i left the room and when i came back the candle flame was reaching out and almost touching the plastic unit, if i had waited 5 minutes there would have been a fire. i never left a lit candle in a room alone.

    1. It's so easy to think I'm just going to fetch something from the other room and be right back... and then get distracted...


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