
Wednesday 2 December 2015

December 2 - TEA


One of my most frequently opened cupboards is this one – where a whole shelf is set aside for TEA… I always buy loose leaf tea, and mostly in mixed blends with fancy names. Just imagine, on a grey and cold November day, stepping into your favourite cosy little teashop in town, asking for half a pound of Euphoria… (Puts one in a good mood just to say it!)

And in the blue bag, there is a Castle Blend, that I bought back in the summer at a visit to Läckö Castle. Which reminds me that I still have holiday photos from July left unblogged. I will get back to those some day, but until I do – here is one:



Just  now, however, it’s tea time; and here is my favourite small teapot, and a recent addition to my collection of tea mugs. I got one in this series (Moomin by Arabia) for my birthday; and when more recently I happened to see that a shop in town had more in that series on sale, I could not resist the temptation of buying two more… 


Little My, the Moomin House (with several of the characters appearing in the windows and outside), and The Muddler.

I have loved the Moomins ever since childhood. First got to know them as picture books and comic strips, later also read the novels. And they’re the kind I still like to return to every now and then.

If you like the Moomins, and enjoy playful personality tests, you might want to try this one: Which Moomin character are you?

I got Moominmamma, and I guess that’s not too far off the mark. For one thing, I do tend to always carry a handbag full of “just in case” stuff…

See? Opening a cupboard door can lead you anywhere. No wonder that some days I seem to get nothing done!



  1. love you moomin cups and all those tea tins are so pretty, just the tins, not counting what is inside..

    1. Sandra, I like my tea tins too :) Some of them date back to the mid/late 1970s...

  2. David's Tea has so many wonderful types to try. I am working my way through some at present. However a lovely cup of coffee is wonderful as well.

    1. Most people in Sweden prefer coffee over tea, Marie. But I only drink tea - never coffee.

  3. The mug with Little My (who is my favourite moomin character) on it was the first thing I noticed when looking at the pictures in this post!
    I'll go and take the moomin quiz now. I loved the books as a child, too. In German, they are called Mumins, and Little My is "die Kleine My".

    1. They are called "mumintroll" in Swedish, Meike. And "Lilla My"... :)

  4. Aha a tea connoisseur. I drink tea but unless FWKTM visits it;s usually 'tea in a hurry'. I do have a little mesh sphere for using leaf tea though. I vaguely remember Moomins. I'll have to look them up.

    1. "Mesh sphere" - new word for me, Graham! But I have one, and also other varieties of tea strainers. I do quite often make just one cup; but that depends. One problem with brewing the tea directly in the mug I find is that then it tends to get very hot, and as I don't use milk in it, I then have to wait a while before I can drink it. Brewing it in a teapot and then pouring it into the mug gives a more comfortable drinking temperature straight away :) I rarely use teabags at home because then I miss the added pleasure of first opening the tin and seeing and smelling the tea before brewing it...

    2. As I said, you are obviously a tea appreciator and connoisseur. I've now looked up the Moons. I did know them once I saw a picture. I love some of the names: Snufkin, Mrs Fillyjonk, Snork Maiden. Wonderful.


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