
Saturday 5 December 2015

December 5–Down a Rabbit Hole to the 1960’s


Today I opened a box with drawings from my childhood, and found myself falling down a rabbit hole to the late 1960’s. It seems that for a while, around the age of 12, I spent a lot of time documenting the life of a family of rabbits...

I can’t remember now why rabbits; but I have to laugh at these drawings, because they really are a kind of time capsule when it comes to fashion and everyday life. (If you like, do a Google-image search on ‘1968 fashion’ to compare!) And I had a gramophone much like that in my room…

In another picture the ‘teen’ girl rabbits and a friend have gone shopping in town. (REA=SALE) Short skirts, strong colours, big bold patterns. Also notice the text on Lilli’s bag: POP…





  1. The rabbit girls are great - I would love to know more about them!

    1. Meike, from the drawings I have, it seems there were two rabbit families. The three in the first picture belong in one of eight (mum, dad, those three girls, two brothers and a baby sister) by surname of (translated) Rabbit. The one to the left in the 2nd pic belongs in another family by surname of (translated) Jumpson. Whether they were just friends or related, I don't remember. I only know the names because they are written in the pictures. I don't think there were ever any stories written down. But I know I also made paper dolls of them (with clothes that could be changed) and played with those. Probably just made up stories in my head. I no longer have the paper dolls - at least they're not in that box, and I can't think where else they might be. I've made several clear-outs through life, and one can't hold on to everything. (As I'm sure you'd agree!)

  2. you are finding a treasure trove of wonderful things in you daily drawer opening. you have art talent. a lot of it. do you draw now? i love the teen shoppers and in the 60's i had 4 tent dresses, which is what we called them here. yellow, orange, bright blue were the colors.

    1. Thanks Sandra. I did love to draw back in my school days, and later on in life also took up water colours again - summer courses, and evening classes. But ever since the accident back in 2000 (which also lead to early retirement from work) I have difficulties holding on to little objects like pens and brushes for long (pains shooting up my arm). So turned more to photography instead (from 2006 when I got my first digital one).

  3. Oh what a treasure you discovered. Just love your rabbit fashionable. You know when I was away at college, my mom called and said my dad had found a treasure while hand plowing the garden. A tin coffee can filled with my childhood treasures... I had buried it, and can't remember doing that.
    These should be passed down to future generations.

    1. Makes one wonder what else one has forgotten, doesn't it, Wanda! :) Alas I have no younger generation to pass things on to, neither I nor my brother had children. But maybe these will now be preserved somewhere in cyberspace - who knows! :)

  4. I love your rabbit girl drawings...really cute...they would make good illustrations for a child's book.
    Sorry you had to give up drawing and are very talented.


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