
Sunday 27 December 2015

Open Live Writer & Snow

Have been unable for a while to publish to my blog from Windows Live Writer, and haven’t had time to investigate why, so lately I’ve just been using Blogger. Today I took a little bit of time to look into the mystery though, and found that there is a new software available: Open Live Writer. This is a test post to see if that solves anything…


And here is the first snow of the year, arriving too late for Christmas but just in time to cause trouble for everyone who was/is driving home from their Christmas adventures today. Myself I’ve had no reason to go out today though, and this photo was taken through my window (this morning).


  1. Hooray. So far, so good - the post written and published without problems from the new Open Live Writer.

  2. Thanks Monica. It was on my list to sort out why WLW wasn't working. I'll have a look at this.

    1. It's so irritating, isn't it, when things just stop working without explanation. (Not that I'm sure I'd understand the the explanation...)

  3. Seems to work fine, as far as I can tell from a reader's perspective.
    Still sunny and mild during the days here, but it slightly below zero over night and will probably get a little cooler every day now until we'll have the snow predicted for New Year.

    1. Much of the snow from yesterday has already thawed away around here. Still a bit of white on the lawns and roofs, but the plowed roads are bare again. Still some dangerous spots though and especially in the night and early morning. I did not have to go out early today though, and not until the afternoon tomorrow either.

  4. After a day of sun we are back to grey skies but at least it has stopped raining.

    1. I hope you're not flooded where you are, John? I saw some video clips from England on the news last night... Yikes!

  5. Glad you're able to blog again. Snow late, but still looks good, in pictures that is. Still in the 80's here, hopefully it will cool down soon.

    1. I've been blogging all through December, Janet... Just not using that special blog editor that I prefer. (And sometimes forgetting, so having to do the same post over again to be able to post it.)

  6. well the new software seems to have worked, your post is here and LIVE.. i would only take photos from inside myself in all that snow.

  7. I see your pictures and read your words, and feel very lucky. A bit selfish, I know.
    The weather here has been horrible. Wet, and very windy. Now there is flooding and entire remote communities (villages) are being helicoptered to safety here in Darwin. Why is is not safe there? The salt water crocodiles move swiftly with the flood waters. Yes, they are big and dangerous. Only one person not accounted for at present.
    So I am lucky, here in the city in my own home. Warm not hot. Not cold. No real dangers. Safe. With good access to the internet and other services. I can walk in the rain here with no worries. And I can read interesting blogs from far far away.


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