
Friday 8 January 2016

Let It Snow


Been snowing outside all day. I’ve been staying in, thankful not to have to go out... Had food delivered in the afternoon, and the delivery girl from the supermarket even offered to carry the bags through to the kitchen and put them on the table for me! (That’s never happened before – and it never occurred to me to ask.)

As earlier in the day I had been defrosting my freezer (it’s a good idea to get that done while it’s freezer-cold on the balcony), I was extra grateful today for the extended service.

Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the book I’m reading* is delightful
And since I've no place to go
Let It Snow ♫ ♫


*In case you’re wondering which book… Just now I’m reading The Small House at Allington by Anthony Trollope; 5th in the Barsetshire series.


  1. i like the teapot header, a lot... and i will never sing let it snow, but i might seen let it stop raining or let sunshine shine... i last saw snow 53 years ago and that is the last i ever want to see. but it is beautiful and great idea to clean the fridge during it

  2. The header is an old one from my archives, I felt I needed something warming! I'm really not a big fan of snow either, as you probably know by now. But as there is nothing I can do to stop it falling, I just have to try and remind myself of the good things (like not having to go out in it today, at least!)

  3. Replies
    1. Adrian, I wish it was in my power to send some of it your way :)

  4. How kind of the delivery girl to offer to carry your bags to the kitchen table! I have seen adverts recently of one of our big supermarket chains here for home delivery service. Maybe an idea for me before I hold my next party, drinks are so heavy to carry. I can usually enlist the help of RJ (and his car) for that, but it is good to know I don't have to bother anyone with it.
    Still no snow in sight here. I bet it will come right in time when I (and the majority of people in my area) start work again on Monday...

    1. Meike, for me the home delivery service (that started a little over a year ago) has been "heaven-sent"... And the delivery girl yesterday was definitely an angel! :)

  5. Grocery delivery and the girl put them on your kitchen table? That is really nice!
    Your snow looks pretty, but that is where I like my snow...somewhere else and/or in a photo! :-)

    1. Kay, her extra kindness "made my day" yesterday! :)
      As for snow - if it would magically keep on the lawns and leave the roads and sidewalks bare and dry, I would not mind it so much...

  6. Oh, and I forgot to say, I love your header photo of the teapots!

    1. Thanks Kay. The header with the teapots is an old one from my archives.

  7. Because I live so far from town there is no supermarket delivery service here. But if I were short on time I could place an order on line and just drop in to pick it up. Your teapots are lovely. A cup of tea and a good book sound perfect on a miserable day. (My g-daughter has set up my comp so I can stand and comment.)

  8. It's a long time since I've seen snow like that in the Hebrides given that until last year I'd spent nine winters in New Zealand's summers. It's a reality check being back here in Scotland for winter.


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