
Sunday 21 February 2016

On the Road Again (Västergötland, July 2015)

A ‘problem’ with taking lots and lots of  photos on your summer holiday trip is that afterwards it gets so hard to choose which ones to blog, that you never get round to it…

On the other hand, it makes a nice change when you suddenly remember these photos in the dreariness of late winter.

On the non-existing third hand, however, you may then realize that you no longer have any idea what exactly you’re looking at!

But never mind… Let’s go back again to July 22, 2015…


Our last stop was the lock at Brinkebergskulle, Vänersborg.
We are now driving east from Vänersborg towards Lidköping.

The landscape south of Lake Vänern  is mostly flat, but with some ‘table’ mountains/hills adding a bit of drama to the scenery:


Halleberg, with an average height of about 90 meters above Lake Vänern and the highest point 155 meters above sea level, is also Scandinavia's largest old hill fort, dating back to the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. It is now part of a large Ecopark area also including Hunneberg (another table mountain nearby).






In the Middle of Nowhere (apologies to Grästorp municipality), there is a lay-by displaying a Viggen aircraft.



A dilapidated old cottage (also in the middle of nowhere)


I don’t remember what church this is – we did not stop here. This is a typical countryside view in these parts, though – quite a few church towers sticking up which can be seen from miles around - and many of them white.


Here’s another church where we did stop to have a closer look - but I don’t remember where that was either…


I’ll be linking this post to Mersad’s Through My Lens meme.


  1. If it weren't for me taking notes in my little yellow notebook every night during my holidays, of what we did and where we were that day, I wouldn't be able to remember all of it, either. And that's me usually writing up my blog posts only a few weeks - not months - afterwards :-)

    Lovely images of summer, and an interesting mix of places.

    1. Meike, from the major tourist attractions where we stopped "properly" and went inside etc I have brochures to remind me. But there are so very many churches strew around the countryside, and most of them we just drove past... Most of the photos above were taken from the car; just to show the kind of landscape were were passing through.

  2. The sun shone and It is good to see it and a different landscape.

    1. A day like that shows Sweden at its best, Adrian!

  3. I never would have pictured Sweden as flat. That's a lovely church.

    1. The landscape in Sweden varies a lot between the south and the north, coastland and inland, Marcia! :)

  4. what a great find and i am sure you enjoyed your trip from almost a year ago AGAIN going through photos. i recently took at trip again from 2008 with friends and family. the sky is so beautiful in all of these

    1. I am enjoying it, Sandra - I just took so many look-alike photos that it's a though job choosing which to put on the blog...

  5. It's always good to see pictures of the countryside (and towns) in other places through they eyes of people we know. That adds to our general knowledge of a place. Sometime, as with the dilapidated cottage, the picture is just pleasure enough.


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