
Tuesday 16 February 2016

Ruby Tuesday


Few things make me feel as cold and ravenously hungry for the rest of the day as having to go out without breakfast (or even a drink of water) on a cold winter morning (-10°C = 14°F)…

Today was one such day. Had to go into town for some fasting blood tests for a medical check-up (seeing the doctor next week).


Just getting dressed for the expedition takes some planning, when the outdoors part requires multiple layers of clothing, while the indoors part involves giving lab staff quick access to your bare skin…

To look on the bright side: by mid February it’s no longer pitch dark at 7:30 am, and even if the morning was very cold it was (going to be) a sunny day; and moreover, this week is winter sports holiday week here, which means the bus was not crowded with school kids as it usually is that time of day. 


There was also no queue to speak of at the lab at this early hour in the morning; and the procedure really went rather smoothly. Wise from experience, I had brought a picnic breakfast (small thermos of tea + sandwich) to consume immediately afterwards, before I put on all my outdoor gear and ventured out again. Thus revived, I managed to walk home – where I immediately felt in need of a second breakfast. Two hours later, a bowl of hot chicken soup; followed by yet another pot of tea, and a piece of chocolate…


About three hours past lunch, a glance at the clock on the wall in my study confirms that hooray, it’s Tea Time! Off to put the kettle on again!!! … And with this cuppa I’m definitely craving hot toast with marmalade, and cheese… and a banana… and another piece of chocolate…

(I always look away while they draw the blood… Beginning to seriously wonder now how much they took!!!)

((…and what to have for supper…))

Photos: Geranium in my living room window.

Ruby Tuesday Too


  1. keep on eating, i am laughing hard.. robbed of your blood and now you are starving.. maybe it was a vampire. i love love love all the closeup shots of these beautiful flowers. i knew it was a flower but not which one until the end. I alwasy take coffee with me to the lab... but i don't have to walk home and am home in 5 minutes. i can wait on the food but not the coffee.

    1. And the temperature is never as low as that where you live! Luckily I seem to be more or less back to normal levels of thirst and hunger today, though. :)

  2. Nice blog post! I love the photos. Very clever! I have to do the fasting blood thing tomorrow. So I very much empathize.

    1. Thanks Jeannie Marie, and good luck with yours!

  3. This goes to show how important a good breakfast is, to put down a good foundation for the day :-)
    I hope your blood test results will all be good. But you get so much exercise and are so health conscious in your eating habits that I don't expect you have any reason to worry.
    The photos are beautiful, so spring-like!

    1. Thanks Meike. It's an annual check-up to do with renewing a bunch of prescription medicines for chronic conditions. No special reason to suspect any major changes. At least I got reassured that I'm still the same height. I don't think anyone has bothered to actually measure that in the last 30-40 years or so, but this time they did!! ;)

  4. Waking up early for a doctors appointment is no fun thing. Especially when you don't get to eat breakfast. At least the days are longer now...

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. Yes Mersad, they are :) Something to hold on to as a promise of spring being on its way in spite of the cold!

  5. What pretty flowers! I'm the same way after a fasting blood test, it makes me ravenous, though I usually only have coffee and toast for breakfast.

  6. I always arrange for fasting bloods to be taken early too. Then I go to The Woodlands fo a bacon roll and coffee.

    1. As I never go out for breakfast I'm not even sure what cafés in the town centre might be open as early as 8 am. Most shops don't open until 10 am...

    2. Most cafés in Stornoway open between 9 and 10 and close around 4 or 5. New Zealand is quite different so far as Napier is concerned anyway: cafés open from 6 and most in the centre are closed around 3pm.

  7. I too look away when blood is being drawn...I'm a bit squeamish and I faint quite easily.
    I walk with a juice pack which I slowly consume as the blood is being drawn....saves me every time.

  8. Magical series of images of these lovely flowers. I never feel like breakfast, and if I give in to that feeling, it only takes about an hour before I am sorry for that decision. I feel quite nauseous.


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