
Saturday 16 April 2016

Works in Progress


In spite of good intentions, I still don’t seem to have got round to much blogging since my previous post – 1½ weeks ago. Please note the word seem, though: I have actually been working on a couple of drafts for blog posts – just not finished yet…


… Work in progress … (brain) wheels turning …

Meanwhile, I’ve also been trying to make use of days with fine spring weather for other kinds of projects.

Like climbing the stairway to heaven…


… and turning my eyes to the ground in search of spring flowers.





The first wood anemones! Yay!!! Winking smile


And here’s another work in progress:

2016-04-16 balkongbord

There’s rain coming in now for the next couple of days, though. So the half-painted little foldable balcony table has been moved into my living room to dry, and to wait for the next day suitable for continuing the paint job outside.

Skywatch Friday

Shadow Shot Sunday


  1. it always happens, you get part way through an outside project and boom there comes the rain. we need rain so maybe i should go out and find a project... those flowers in the leaves will be stunning in a few weeks and i love the stairs to heaven that showed them to us. loved looking at it but not if i had to climb them. afraid that is past me now

  2. What a fascinating post. love those wheels and the eerie shadows round them. That's quite a sharp stairway with a great perspective of the sky. And the flowers are so beautiful.

  3. Spring, definitely my favorite season and always fun to look for the first signs.

  4. An interesting post. It looks as if summer is on the way.
    What is that strange contraption with the gears and sprockets?

    1. Adrian, I'm not sure. I shall have to check what the sign on the left says next time I go back to the Textile Museum (which is where I took the photo). Looking at it now, it also strikes me that perhaps with this thing one is even invited to turn that handle to check out what happens. (?) (There will be more photos from the Textile Museum in another post.)

  5. I've got to the stage where I'm not sure where I'm up to with life, the universe and just about everything. Almost all of it seems to be part of one work or another in progress.

    1. I guess our whole lives could be summed up as work in progress, Graham!


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