
Friday 27 May 2016

A Walk around Jurassic Park

Today I had a somewhat unusual goal for my walk.
Going back in time, you might say…
Winking smile







Sandra: ▲These two made me think of your Leonard and Lizzie… Slightly enlarged! (LOL) (Although in this case, it seemed to be “Lizzie” flashing her collar at her male companion...)▼


It was really all much too artificial to be scary, until…


… this one unexpectedly started walking around, tapping people on the shoulder! (You wouldn’t hear it coming up behind you, because of all the general background roaring and noise! Have to admit I felt lucky I saw it first – and even then I actually preferred to keep my distance!) Surprised smile CIMG8534-001

It’s a travelling expo, only in town for a few days… From the advert I think I had expected it to be a little bit more scientific and not quite as much “funfair”. Doubtful if it was really worth the entrance fee (~ $/£ 15 for grownups, 10 for children – for a whole family that could add up to a lot of money). Ah well… For me, certainly an experience “out of the ordinary”, anyway!

(And what doesn’t a blogger do to get a few photos… Winking smile)

Cheekily linking this post to Friday My Town/Rain and Thunder.
(It did not actually rain today; it was just cloudy. But there was a lot of fake lightning and thunder going on inside that tent…)


  1. Well, it certainly makes a great fun blog post!! I Think I may have been disconcerted by the fake thunder and lightening! They really would come up behind you and touch you? Yikes, that could give an old person a heart attack! I think my favorite is the second picture of the mom watching over her eggs. And then, of course, hatching. The baby sure looks reptilian!

    1. Ginny, at least I saw and heard some people jump and/or give a scream when it suddenly appeared very close to them. The walking dinosaur was not there all the time, it came sneaking in sometimes from a side entrance.

  2. Love it. One of my students recently had to study the techniques and devices used in the first Jurassic Park film. We had lots of fun watching clips on Youtube and then discussing how the tension was developed. I hope you follow your visit to the travelling show with a bit of reading about dinosaurs. There's so much to learn.

    1. Louise, I'm afraid I did not find this expo very educational. If there were any info signs, it was too dark in there to read them!

  3. I have never seen Jurassic Park although I know about it of course. It looks more fun than scary to me even for children these days who see much more scary things on everyday television. To me the scariest thing ever were the Daleks.

    1. I've never even heard of the Daleks, Graham! I did watch at least one of the Jurassic Park movies on TV - long ago - but have to confess dinosaurs was never one of my main interests in life. More drawn towards fictional dragons, really... ;)

  4. i would love to see it but not to pay to see it, but i would just to get the photos... they are pretty cool and i am so glad Leonard and Lizzie are much smaller than these two. freaky being touched on the shoulder for sure

    1. Yes Sandra, I really think your size of lizards is more convenient!

  5. I don't think I'll ever outgrow my fascination with dinosaurs. When we were living in California the San Diego Wildlife Park put on a dino exhibit that was incredible.

    1. Janet, we actually have a dino exhibit at our local zoo too, but those are wooden sculptures, standing safely still. :) They are supposed to be the right size though. And some of them are rather cleverly positioned in natural woodland near a little stream.

  6. My Mum keeps saying that I said "archaeopteryx" before I said "Mama", and she's only half kidding :-)
    The entrance fee seems rather steep, especially considering that it is meant to be a fun thing for families. My parents for sure would not have been able to easily afford all four of us to go, plus the ice cream and/or drink we undoubtedly would have wanted, and maybe a stuffed toy dino or a book for me...

    1. Have to confess I never took enough interest in dinosaurs to learn their names, Meike! In our family, my brother was the one to pick up and remember things like that. :)

  7. Looks like a fun day. Maybe a bit pricey.

    1. Adrian, on the whole I would recommend people to spend their money on a day at the zoo instead. But at least it was an out-of-the-ordinary experience!

  8. I'm pretty sure I'd find that rather frightening. A little twelve year old boy put his arm around me to comfort me when I saw Jurassic Park. I think I'd need a bigger, braver companion at that show. Good fun for the kids but only the offspring of the well heeled could afford to see it, I would think.

    1. Pauline, what I was feeling was that I ought to have been accompanied by a brave eight-year-old (or so)! (Don't happen to know any of those at the moment, though...)


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