
Monday 16 May 2016

Ferns and Fairies

In a recent blog post by Jesh St Germain I came across The Fairy Name Generator, and of course I had to try it. (If you’d like to have a go, you can now also find the generator in my sidebar.)

Letting the widget having a go with my blogging signature, this is what it came up with:

Get your own fairy name from the fairy name generator!

Your fairy name is Bracken Pepperwitch

She plays tricks on small children and old folk.
She lives where bracken and curling ferns grow.
She can only be seen in the enchanted moment
between sleep and waking.
She wears leafy bracken-green
and has autumnal brown wings, like a butterfly.

Must be true magic, because I had already got these recent photos of uncurling ferns waiting in a blog draft:





These all grew quite close together on the same side of a little hill… Some just beginning to unfurl, others already opened out.

Sharing with Through My Lens


  1. I love to see ferns uncurling and I have a few in my shots too. They are just further along.

    1. I'm always fascinated by them in spring :)

  2. Replies
    1. Sandra, I do remember that you like ferns too :)

  3. Well done Bracken Peppwewitch.

  4. Ferns are so beautiful, aren't they! My sister loves them particularly.

    Of course I had to go and give the name generator a try... and it came up with "Olive Rainbowtree", which is so suitable somehow since O.K.'s real first name is Oliver :-D
    According to the description, I bring good fortune and live in grazing lands and orchards. What does not sound like me though is the choice of dress: olive green and multicoloured wings. I'd much rather wear sunny yellow and pale blue wings!

    1. Meike, I'm sure the "rainbow" part of your fairy name gives you permission to wear any colour you like! :)

  5. Great pictures! I think I have seen a similar test on Facebook. Hmmm, Monica Bracken does have a kind of ring to it.

    1. I don't doubt that the fairy name generator may have been circulated around Facebook as well, Ginny!

  6. Hi Bracken Pepperwitch, You do sound quite delightful, your icon could just as well be one of your lovely butterflies. Love your unfurling ferns. Cheers, Olive Starglimmer. (Wouldn't mind keeping that name!)

    1. Olive seems to be a popular fairy name! (considering that two of my fairy friends here were given that first name, but with different last names)

  7. Bracken Peperwitch. Hmmm. Fascinating. You have suddenly made me feel ashamed. All those years that I spent in the land of the silver fern and I don't think I ever took photos of the ferns unfurling.

    1. And because you never did, Graham, I never even knew about the silver fern and it's importance for NZ - until just now, when curiosity made me look it up!!!


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