
Thursday 2 June 2016

Azaleas, Rhododendron & Street Art


We’re having another heat wave this week, and it’s been (and still is!) too hot to spend much time at the computer.

It’s also really too hot just now to be out and about much in the afternoons; but on Monday I was, anyway. I decided to go and visit a park I don’t go to all that often (as it’s a bit out of the way for me), but which is worth some attention this time of year as they specialize in azaleas and rhododendrons. And with the heat increasing, it struck me I had probably better go ‘a.s.a.p’ if I was to catch those in their glory… 










It is a sight worth seeing, although not quite as idyllic as it might seem from photos – because even if the park is located up on a hill, it’s really quite close to heavy traffic below.



Coming down from the park, across the street there is the office of our local newspaper, which was one of the buildings to get its share of mural art last year:


In a street nearby, there is also this wall, which I think was painted the year before:


And opposite the painted wall of the newspaper building you also find this 9 meters high bronze sculpture by Jim Dine from 2008:


This sculpture – entitled ‘Walking to Borås’, but usually just referred to as Pinocchio –  was really the start of our international sculpture biennales and street art festivals in my town which have followed since then.

We’re having another sculpture biennale this summer and I have been round to look at some of the new additions, too – I just haven’t found the time/energy to blog those photos yet…

Linking to Through My Lens


  1. it is good to have all that beauty right there next to the noise pollution, to give some beauty to it all. and a good thing you went, because they look like the will bloom themselves out soon. i like the elephant on the wall mural

    1. Elephant? What did I miss? I've looked so closely at the pictures my eyes are watering now, and I can see Pinocchio's face in the one on the newspaper's building, but where is the elephant?

    2. Meike, my initial reaction to Sandra's comment was also "Elephant? What elephant?" But going back to my enlarged picture now, I can see it. Whether it was intended by the artist or not, I cannot say. But suitably, it's in the section with the text "Out of sight"! (If you suppose the eye on the left to be the eye of an elephant and the curved thingy to be its trunk - and ignore the other eye to the right...)

  2. Heat wave?! I wish we had that down here! You have probably heard of the floodings after thunderstorms, with several places in south Germany badly affected (with some dead), namely a small place called Braunsbach, maybe 1 hours' drive from where I live.
    My town did not have anything so catastrophic, but we're as far from heat as we were last month...

    I remember you having posted about the Pinocchio sculpture before. And the azalea/rhododendron are beautiful - good job you went there while they're still in bloom!

    1. Meike, I did hear about the floodings in France and southern Germany on the news yesterday (and saw some videoclips). And I was actually trying to figure out how close that might be to where you live.

  3. Wait...NEW sculptures?? Oh BOY, that is one of my favorite things on your blog! I still often think of the infamous red dress and how it was moved around. Boras art is really wonderful! The path in the park is so beautiful! You would never know you are right by a busy city! It has been really hot here, too. About 90 some days. I like the murals, and I remember my old buddy Pinocchio! I am glad he is still there walking.

    1. Ginny, a city certainly needs its "lungs" (the parks).

  4. Oddly I immediately saw what I took to be an elephant but after you queried it I went back for a second look and now I'm not quite so sure. As for heat it's 11 ℃ here today but feels bitterly cold in the strong northerly wind. I do enjoy all the murals and sculptures though and never get tired of seeing them.

    1. Such a pity that one cannot exchange a few degrees up or down between friends... Somewhere right in the middle between 11 and 29 would suit me fine! ;)

  5. I'm very fond of Azaleas, but ours are done by early April. Love the big murals.

  6. Such a wonderful walk through the city with many great shots. Love those park shots. Lovely nature there. Thank you for sharing with Through my Lens.


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