
Monday 18 July 2016

Window Shopping

160708 knallerian

Sometimes I feel just a little bit tempted to go into a shop and ask them if they truly believe that they’ve actually managed to create a window display that will make potential customers feel that they really must have one of those… well, er, whatever…




Linking to Through My Lens


  1. I rather like the ants. The others look like a vertical skip or dumpster.

  2. Well Adrian, knowing how you like to enlarge creepy-crawlies with your camera, I guess I should not be surprised :)

  3. Your window shopping posts are always special to me. I love shopping, and love seeing what is in your local windows. I like those fat pink ducks, but would stay far away from the bugs!!

  4. Hahaha I know what you mean - I often ask myself (and the person who happens to be with me at the time) "Who's going to buy this?"! But people do buy "stuff" and stuff their homes with them... I want my clean empty shiny surfaces, but many people find it too sterile and want MORE things.
    As a little girl, I would have wanted the doll in the turquoise dress from the first picture!

    1. Meike, compared to your extremely clean surfaces, my home too would probably appear cluttered :) (Most of my things bear memories and meaning to myself, though.) But these kinds of window displays with lots of random but obviously mass-produced knick-knacks... I may gape at them for a while (in pure astonishment) - but they don't tempt me to go inside!


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