
Saturday 1 October 2016

By the Water – Looking Down, Looking Up

When I go for a walk into the city, I often choose to walk along the river where I can. The views have changed a lot over the past eight years though (i.e. since I moved in where I now live). Back then, the places where you could get close to the water were fewer; but also gave a little more (camera) illusion of being out in the wild. Now, the riverside is lined with posh apartment buildings – but they have also extended the possibilities to walk along the water, which is of course good.


While they were building these apartment blocks, I used to wonder whether their reflections would be able to fit into the river… The answer is, “it’s in the eye of the beholder”… I.e. it depends a bit on where you’re standing… But yes…


Sometimes, walking past below  and looking up at those huge furnished glass balconies (where no one ever seems to sit), I wonder how on earth they go about it to keep those windows clean.

One day back in August, I found out:


Now there’s a job I would not like to even try
Good thing there are some people willing to take it on, though!

Linking to:
Friday My Town – By the Water
Weekend Reflections


  1. great reflection shot of the building in the water. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I am with you on not washing those windows. I would not even want to wash them on the inside. but I would sit out there is I lived there... we often talk about the beauty here and the nice porches with swings and rockers and we have NEVER seen anyone on any of the porches. that reflection is beautiful and it does fit well... new things always have good and bad for sure

  3. I always enjoy your reflection photos.

  4. I like that first shot - very creative.

  5. I love this reflection! Being as I cannot turn the laptop upside down, I have a mind to download it and spin it right side up! I bet there would be no noticeable difference. What a lucky capture to find the cleaning guy! He should get lots of money, but I bet he gets only minimum wage. That almost makes me dizzy just to look at.

  6. gorgeous reflection! I am also fascinated by window washers....

  7. Thanks everyone for your reflective comments :)

  8. A super reflection and not a job for me either!
    Thanks so much for your comments on my blog!

  9. If I lived in a flat I'd love a balcony like that.


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