
Monday 7 November 2016



Sooooo cold today!!! Bitter cold winds, icy and slippery streets...

My thermometer showed minus 2.6 degrees Celsius (27.3°F), but my weather app on the phone really was much closer to the truth,  warning me that it would feel like -12°C (-10.4°F). It’s like we suddenly jumped straight ahead to mid January or so…

A short walk to the nearest mailbox today felt like going out for a polar expedition. Besides winter coat and boots, I also needed the extra spiky thingies for the boots and my Nordic walking sticks (with the bouncy “summer” rubber ends removed). And I was still afraid of slipping! (But I didn’t.)

Bildresultat för broddar Bildresultat för nordic walking poles

(The photo at the top is my own, taken with the phone.
The other images I stole borrowed from the internet.)

We only have a thin layer of snow around here yet, though. I just watched the evening news, and up in the north in some places they’ve had 1 meter of snow in the last three days. And I understand they’ve had quite a lot in the south-east, too. Around here, not as much snow, but very icy roads; and many people haven’t had time to change to winter tires on their cars yet. So lots of road accidents.

Tomorrow I’ll be staying in , I think... (No need to go anywhere!)


  1. Sending warm thoughts to you to keep you warm, it's golden and warm here.

    1. Thanks Janet. Keeping warm today by staying in :)

  2. The nights have started to get frigid here, but still really warm in the day. Your header is beautiful!!!

  3. P.S. I love the way you did your blog title all fancy to match the header. Is this something Blogger offers?

    1. Ginny, I always create my header images in Picasa, text included.

  4. The thought of not having to go anywhere for a day is very appealing! Same here about many people not yet having switched to winter tyres. We have not yet had snow, but I imagine roads can be slippery in places where it has been wet over night and temperatures just around zero.
    Your header photo is great!

    1. Thanks Meike. The image was actually taken through my window, zooming in on a rowan tree outside... (and then cropped further in Picasa editing)

  5. Oh dear. A lot of Scotland is due for those conditions tonight but, hopefully, they will have gone by the time I set off for Glasgow again on Thursday.

    1. Graham, I certainly hope for your sake that you won't have to drive on icy and snowy roads on Thursday!

  6. yowsa, that is cold for November.. even where you are, right? we are in our perfect days right now, 66 at wake up and 82 for a high and bright sun but we need rain and none in sight.

    1. Yes Sandra, you're right. Not that snow in November is unheard of, but most of November is more typically rainy than snowy at least in the southern parts of Sweden where I live.

  7. Oh my gosh! And what a bummer that your mailboxes aren't inside. I cannot read Celsius, but I gather it was freezing! SO glad you didn't fall! It is almost 70 Fahrenheit here.


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