
Sunday 11 December 2016

Advent Traditions

Can hardly believe that 3rd Advent Sunday is behind us already!!!

Here is a short summary of what I’ve been up to lately:

♥ Baking gingerbread biscuits…
(First time in years that I’ve made “proper” ones, using cutters.)






♥ Writing lots of Christmas cards
(Collage below put together from some scanned outgoing ones)

JULKORT collage

♥ Christmas shopping at the Mall across town
(where I also ran into Santa and his reindeer)

161208 Knalleland

♥ Helping Santa with wrapping presents (to myself) (Why not?)
(Tip: If you got it in a nice bag from the store when you bought it, you can use the bag as wrapping paper  - even if it’s not paper!)

FB paket

♥ Gradually putting up my Christmas decorations at home.
Also bought a new cushion for the club chair in my living room… The print “sort of” matches my (all-year-round) curtains + cushions on my sofa… (Sometimes it doesn’t take more than a small thing like that to make a difference in a room…)

2016-12-09 cushion collage


♥ Been out looking for the Christmas Spirit in the city center.
Some people claim that it seems to have gone missing from there this year; and I have to admit t
here is some undeniable truth to that rumour…


… So one has to keep looking harder!


There was supposed to be a Lucia parade with dressed-up children on Saturday around noon. Not really a great turnout (considering that we’re a town of around 110.000 inhabitants).


Things improved when Lucia & her maidens showed up, though.



If you’ve been following my blog over a few years, you will know that each year, in most Swedish towns, a St. Lucia + maidens are elected to give concerts for charity around town throughout the weeks before Christmas. Some in public outdoors like this; some in places like churches and schools and hospitals and old people’s homes. They sing Christmas songs and hymns, and special Lucia songs. On St. Lucy’s day on December 13th, many churches and schools etc. also have their own Lucia celebrations (with their own Lucia).

I recorded a video clip of one song; hopefully you’ll be able to both see and hear it by clicking this link:

Linking to: Through My Lens


  1. I love gingerbread cookies, and I bet yours taste so good. I love your Christmas cards. Interesting that Santa is playing the guitar in front of a pirate ship. And are those the markets beside that picture? I, too, have used pretty bags from stores as gift bags! I love the print and colors on your cushion!! It really brightens things up, and looks so lovely! And it seems to match everything! The maidens look cold! But they sound so beautiful!

    1. That shop where I found Santa playing the guitar next to a pirate ship always has really whacky displays (and the oddest things for sale). I'm unable to figure out whether they do it "on purpose" or just have really bad [or eccentric] taste!!!

  2. The girls have beautiful voices, the song sounds so peaceful! I like your Advent traditions, especially that you wrap up your own presents.
    The cushion is a great addition to your living room; you are right, sometimes a small item can make a big difference.
    What is the one cookie cutter, shaped like an animal wearing a hat?

    1. Meike, I suppose you're referring to the one to the left of the one shaped like a Christmas tree? It's a Yule Goat, or Christmas Goat. You can read more about it in a post from 2010 on my old blog here

    2. Yes, Monica, that's the one. Thank you - I have just read the post on your old blog.

  3. Wow! You are terrific. I am filled with the Christmas spirit from reading of your activities. You have inspired me to persevere. My friends and family will be thanking you.

    1. Louise, I imagine that many of the Christmas traditions imported from the northern hemisphere must seem (even more) out of place down at your end of the world, where Christmas falls in summer!

  4. its beginning to look a lot like Christmas inside and outside. your apartment looks so pretty and festive and you know I love your kitchen window..

    1. It's dark and cold outside, and we do our best to brighten things up with extra colour and lights ... :)

  5. Love your festive cookies, and your red checked curtains ~ You kitchen looks so inviting. In fact your whole house does. Thanks for all the wonderful pictures and captions.


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