
Friday 6 January 2017

Winter Walk


After a rainy and foggy New Year the weather suddenly turned very cold this week. Yesterday and today we had -13°C in the mornings, and still -8°C or so in the afternoons. Only a very thin layer of snow around here – but it’s on top on a layer of ice, which makes walking (as well as driving) rather precarious… So I haven’t been going very far! But this afternoon I ventured out for a walk around the old cemetery close to where I live. 





The sun is still very low in the sky, casting long shadows… The photo below was taken with my phone yesterday, around the same time of day (~ 2:10 p.m.)


Linking to:

Friday My Town Shoot Out


  1. Your photos are so beautiful! And what a great surprise to see your awesome frost header. Your first picture is amazing. To me, it depicts loneliness, cold, and it reminds me of some of those old novels, like girl Of the Limberlost. You look very pretty in your white coat and hood! Like a Russian princess. The path is cold, brisk, and bare. You had better get home, even though it is early afternoon it looks like the sun is setting! And at 2:10!

    1. That's the first time in my life I've been likened to a Russian princess :) ... I've never heard of Girl of the Limberlost, checking it out on Amazon I found it free for Kinde so I downloaded it. Whether I'll ever get round to reading it is another matter!

  2. You're a very brave soul to venture out in such cold temperatures, be careful.

    1. Living in Sweden, one has to be prepared for it, Janet. The last few winters have been rather mild around here, but one never knows. Way up in the North they had -40'C recently. I've experienced that too once upon a time - one New Year back in my youth...

  3. That is so cold! And dark. You do seem to be dressed warmly, but be very careful as well.

  4. you look so cute and well prepared for icy weather. the first photo is magical and the last is just gorgeous... stay safe on that ice

    1. Thanks Sandra. And being a coward by nature, I'm really very careful!

  5. That does look cold - good job you are well wrapped up.

    1. A bit warmer today, John (back to around freezing point!) but we also had a bit more snow during the night.

  6. We had similarly cold nights and days this week, but now it has become warmer and there has been quite a bit of snow falling during the night and today. I hope O.K. gets home alright, he left Ludwigsburg while it was still daylight - usually, he drives home much later when he has spent the weekend with me.

    You look nice and cosy in your winter outfit!

    1. The temperature keeps going up and down a bit here too. (-3 and grey today, but no more snow during the day) On the whole I'm guessing we're probably among the parts of Sweden that have got the least amount of snow on the ground just now. (?)

  7. As I write this on Sunday evening the temperature here is still 13℃. However we are told that yet more gales and then possibly snow are on their way. I'm finding this winter much harder than any I can recall even though I'm sure it's no worse than many over the past 40 years.

    1. But you had some weeks in New Zealand last winter as well as a break in the monotony, didn't you Graham... I can imagine that to not have that to look forward to (when you've been used to it) must make it a lot harder! I've never gone abroad to warmer climate in the winter myself. But I know that usually for me it is the period from mid January to mid March or so that I find the dreariest and hardest to cope with. (Also usually the coldest, although winter is very unpredictable around here. Some years lots of snow, other years mostly grey and slushy/wet.)

  8. Hi Monica, that long shadow is impressive! Take care!


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