
Friday 17 February 2017

Postcards for the Weekend - Gratitude

2017-044 Tack

A yet unsent Swedish card of thanks:
“Thanks – from the bottom of my heart”


Postcrossing card from Russia, Sakha (Yakutia) Republic
(December 2016)

Text printed on the back:
Diamonds are, quite literally, the main treasure of Yakutia. The republic’s export accounts for almost a quarter of all the diamonds produced in the world. Yakut diamonds are considered to be some of the best out there, valued for their outstanding quality and purity.

The woman is wearing the national costume of the Sakha people.

I thought of this card for the Gratitude theme because she looks like she’s holding those precious diamonds like a gift… And of course it also made me happy to receive such a beautiful card!


2017-045 2017-054

Yesterday I was having a look in a box of old postcards (sent to me in the past), and found this – which I have to confess I did not remember at all.  It’s a card of thanks from the Royal Court to graciously acknowledge that the card I sent to His Majesty King Gustaf VI Adolf of Sweden for his 90th birthday (in 1972) had been received by him. He did not sign the card of thanks personally, though… But I guess on one’s 90th birthday a king may be excused for just having a secretary type the address!Winking smile

Gustaf VI Adolf (11 November 1882 – 15 September 1973) was King of Sweden from 29 October 1950 until his death (which occurred less than a year after his 90th birthday). He was succeeded on the throne by his grandson, Carl XVI Gustaf (born 30 April 1946), who is still our king.

I have absolutely no idea what may have been on the card that I sent 45 years ago. I wonder if it’s still kept in the Royal Archives somewhere…


Weekend Linky Party:


  1. Tack så mycket Monica for these three! I learned "Tack så mycket" back in 2014 -- my former boss and his wife are Swedish and very good friends of mine. I might visit Sweden this April :D Last night I'm lamenting on my lack of Swedish postcards ... Do you still actively send out? If yes, do you mind if we send cards to each other from time to time?

    1. Maria, I do still send postcards :) I find no email on your blog (nor even a link to your profile?); but if you email your details to mothmail-dawn (at) I'll reply.

  2. What a cool memento of the King you have now! I love the Russian card! Their national costume is so pretty. I knew about so many diamonds coming from Russia, but not about this specific place, which I have never heard of before!

    1. Ginny: According to Wikipedia, the republic of Yakutia is larger than Argentina and nearly as big as India... To be honest, I had no idea of its size or location (nor anything else) until I looked it up in connection with this card, though!

  3. Great cards! My favourite is the thank you card from the King...what a cool memento! (Even if he didn't sign it....)

    1. Helen, even if I don't remember, I suspect it was probably my stamp-collecting dad who inspired me to send a card to the king, in order to get this (perhaps) "collector's item" in return :)

  4. That second card is truly beautiful.

  5. One of my aunts (my Dad's oldest sister) married a man from Bornholm many years ago, and they still live on the island. We spent summer holidays there several times, and I learnt a few words of Danish. "Tack" is "thank you" in that language, too :-)
    I had no idea Yakutia produces so many diamonds. But then again, what would someone like me know about diamonds anyway...!

    1. Meike, Swedish and Danish (and Norwegian) are rather closely related. I think the Danish spell it "tak" and the Norwegians "takk", though :) With a bit of effort, we often manage to understand each other fairly well. At least as long as no numbers over twenty are involved...

  6. I love the girl and costume and did not know about the diamonds from there. I like the card you found of thank you for a card.. I would never think of sendig a card to a public figure and now that you put the idea out here, it would be a not so nice card to our now public figure

    1. Well Sandra, from what I understand, that particular public figure seems to prefer Twitter anyway... ;)

  7. Hi DawnTreader, Your cards are perfect for the theme and I enjoyed all three of them. That is so cool to get a thank you back for your 90th birthday greeting. For beauty, I think the second card is my favorite. Thanks for sharing!

  8. It had never associated diamonds with gratitude, but it makes all the sense after reading your explanation.

    The story behind the royal gratitude card is very interesting.

  9. Who knew Russia produced so many diamonds, lovely costume whose colours seem appropriate for their extreme cold.

    1. The costume also seems to reflect Wealth to me (in turn connected to the diamonds...) And it makes me realise how much I do not know about Russia!

  10. I love that Russian postcard.


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