
Sunday 25 June 2017

Midsummer Weekend


 Not my umbrella, and not today. But I'm pretty sure this is what would have happened if I had tried to take one out today!

 Image may contain: plant, flower and nature

I have given the geranium (from the balcony) shelter indoors for the weekend - and put the box of nasturtiums down on the balcony floor to be a little bit more safe from the temperamental gusts of wind and cloudbursts.

Midsummer Eve (Friday) started out cloudy but dry, then got into a sudden brief hot flush around noon, and then poured some water on us in the afternoon to cool us off again. Well - I say "us", although myself I was hardly out at all, as my aunt and uncle were in town and were coming to me for lunch. 

After that, it just kept getting wetter and windier. Yesterday I managed a short walk in the afternoon, between showers, without getting wet. Went for a turn around the old cemetery, where (among other things) these lovely bushes are in bloom at the moment. I think in English they are known as beauty bush

 Please note the hovering bumble bee!
Well done, new camera...

I was thinking maybe a short walk again today... But got no further than 3 minutes away from home (and should probably count myself lucky that I didn't!) before the sky suddenly grew all dark and burst into heavy rain again. Although I turned round immediately, I still had to change clothes and dry my hair when I got back in, and hang my jacket in the bathroom to dry!

PS. Elbow still on the mend. I managed to change the dressing yesterday; and before that, I was able to take a lovely long warm shower and wash my hair "thoroughly", without worrying about keeping the adhesive plaster dry. (If you've ever tried taking  showers and washing your hair while trying to keep one of your elbows out of those procedures as much as possible, for a period of four weeks, you'll know what I mean. If not, you'll just have to use your imagination.) 

The (healing) wound is looking much better, too, but I'll spare you those pictures! ;) 


  1. The bush is beautiful! I would have mistaken it for an azalea. LOVE the fat bee! Is that a grave under it? There looks to be a row of them. And since you are in the cemetery, I am assuming... A rather unusual one. It has been very hot and windy here, too. I cannot imagine how you showered! You must have excellent balance! My balance is so bad now that I cannot wash my hair in the shower anymore, I have to wash it separately over the sink. Such a gorgeous geranium, my favorite ever.

    1. Yes Ginny, it is an old cemetery founded in the late 1800s, and those kinds of framed family graves were common back then.

  2. that bush is gorgeous.. I did not know about your elbow, or is this the same thing when you fell? I have lost track of time.. I just got through helping bob take a shower, what fun

    1. Yes Sandra, still the same elbow... Much better now but still need a dressing on it for protection. I got some special adhesive plasters from the nurse, same kind that they have been using.

  3. I'm glad (obviously) that your wounds are healing. As for the weather! Gales and severe gales here in June as well. The weather is going bonkers.

    1. Graham: All things considered, I'm thankful that at least up here we haven't had the heat they've had in southern Europe lately. Rain and wind I can escape from (by being indoors), but when it gets too hot for more than a couple of days, there is no escape...

  4. Good news about your elbow! My mother fell and broke her elbow more than 10 years ago, but I remember that time vividly. For nearly half a year, she needed physio therapy daily, after two operations on the elbow. I helped her shower and wash her hair a few times when my Dad wasn't available (he still worked at that time).

    A nice cooling breeze here for a few days, but still VERY hot and no rain.

    1. Thankfully not as hot here, Meike. If I have to choose between too hot and a bit on the chilly side, I prefer the latter.

      Luckily I did not break anything but some skin ;) The reason I still needed so much help with it is that it was in a tricky place and hard to take care of myself. (An infection could have - but did not! - spread to the joint.)


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