
Friday 21 July 2017

More Lake Reflections

More photos from the same lake as last week. These are from my second visit, the next day (which was last Friday). On that day, I only spent one hour there, but that was still time enough to explore the narrow little peninsula of woodland sticking out into the lake from the beach. (See map below. The path around the peninsula is only about 400 m altogether.) The photo above is from out on the point. The ones below were taken along the path there and back. 

 Mainland to the left of the bay, peninsula on the right
- red dotted line marking the path.



Back on the mainland - peninsula to the left.

Linking to:

SkyWatch Friday 

   Weekend Reflections


  1. How beautiful! My favorites are the last one, the long reeds blowing in the wind, and the little yellow flowers. You live in such a wonderful place. I like the map! And now I can refer back to it often.

  2. Love the reflections in the last couple of photos.

  3. Beautiful photos! I especially like the first one where you captured the people enjoying the lake under beautiful sky!!

    1. My favourite too, SPP. That's why I put it at the top :)

  4. Too many to pick a favourite - and they each show such a different aspect of the lake and woodland.

    1. John, the variety is what I appreciate most about the whole place, I think. There's a little bit of everything for everyone, really!

  5. Those pictures from along the path look as if you were walking in an enchanted place, Monica. Very beautiful!

    1. It felt a bit like that to me too, Meike. It's a short walk and yet offering quite a great variety in nature.

  6. Very atmospheric pictures of a wonderful place.

  7. You post the most beautiful images, Dawn. xo Diana

  8. that path is perfect with the perfect views.. so beautiful.. will you go there when there is snow?

    1. Not very likely! For one thing, I don't think even the bus goes there in winter...

  9. It took me a few minutes to work out may way around when you said that the last photo was with the peninsula on the left. I'm sure that by the time we've seen more of the lake and it's surroundings I'll feel quite at home.

    1. I understand the confusion, Graham. The main beach is to the left of the peninsula, but there is a small one on the other side as well.


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