
Tuesday 1 August 2017

Lake Vättern - A Sneak Peek

I'm back home since Sunday afternoon, and yesterday my brother left to go back to his home. Now I'm faced with around 700+ photos, 60-something postcards and about a kilo of brochures and maps to sort out... Sounds more like we were away for four weeks rather than just four days, doesn't it!!

We had a good trip, and I should not suffer from lack of blogging material for a while... However, what I am likely be experiencing over the weeks to come, is the same kind of "Now where was I..." syndrome  described 'spot on' by John of Rambles from my Chair today... (Thanks, John. It's good to know one is not alone!)

Meanwhile, and to at least get myself started: Here is a little sneak peek of our route and the kind of views we've been seeing.

If someone thinks it looks like we sometimes drove into the lake rather than just along it, that's just me not having a very steady hand with the digital pen when trying to mark our route on the map...

We travelled counterclockwise around Lake Vättern - Sweden's second biggest lake. The tour around the lake is around 300 km. So not very long distances to drive each day; but with plenty of stops along the way. The area is absolutely crammed with history!

Day 1: Borås-Jönköping-Gränna
Day 2: Gränna-Vadstena-Motala
Day 3: Motala-Askersund-Hjo
Day 4: Hjo-Jönköping-Borås.

Neither of us had made a complete tour of this lake before. I have visited some of the places along its shores in the past, but that was all a very long time ago.

More to follow... Not sure yet how systematically! But I thought that if I start with a map, then I can always refer back to that later.

Our World Tuesday Graphic
 Linking to Our World Tuesday


  1. YEAH! I am excited, and cannot wait for your posts to begin!! Just this little tease looks so interesting!! I am fascinated by the red house with the different angles; and those little houses (maybe for changing clothes). Perhaps you should start going through them and re-naming them so you will know what they are. BUT that would be a massive project just by itself.

    1. Ginny, if I was to rename every photo I'd never get round to the actual blogging! I have started the process of making sub-folders though, with date + location. :)

  2. glad you are home safe and sound and happy and with lots of photos. I love the little colorful houses, bath houses I am thinking... have fun sorting

    1. Sandra, I didn't get up close to the little bathing huts, but I'm pretty sure that's what they are. :)

  3. Looks like an awesome adventure with great scenery at every turn of the head!

    1. That's pretty much what it felt like, Holly!

  4. Wow! You have some fantastic photos in 4 days ~ Nice to connect with you again ~ ^_^

    (now A Shutterbug Explores) aka A Creative Harbor and posting daily )

  5. I love coming here to see what you have been up to and what beautiful photos you have to show us. Have a great night- xo Diana

  6. Starting with a map is a great idea because not only can you refer to it but so can we. I must try that. It would certainly have helped with some of my New Zealand safaris.

    1. I think sometimes you actually did, Graham! At least I know I have a much better grasp of NZ geography after having "followed you around" on your travels there, than I had before...


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