
Monday 18 September 2017

Read in July

In July, it seems (from my list) that I either didn’t read much, or it went into one ear and out of the other…

I did enjoy listening to this 1970s classic as Audible audio book, though:

Watership Down Audiobook

Watership Down

  • Written by: Richard Adams (1972)
  • Narrated by: Ralph Cosham
  • Length: 15 hrs and 51 mins

Publisher's Summary

Fiver could sense danger. Something terrible was going to happen to the warren; he felt sure of it. They had to leave immediately. So begins a long and perilous journey of survival for a small band of rabbits. As the rabbits skirt danger at every turn, we become acquainted with the band, its humorous characters, and its compelling culture, complete with its own folk history and mythos. Fiver's vision finally leads them to Watership Down, an upland meadow. But here they face their most difficult challenges of all.

A stirring epic of courage and survival against the odds, Watership Down has become a beloved classic for all ages. Both an exciting adventure story and an involving allegory about freedom, ethics, and human nature, it has delighted generations with its unique and charming world, winning many awards and being adapted to film, television, and theater.

My old paperback copy of the book is from 1978 and gives the impression that I must have read it more than once; but I’m pretty sure the last time was still decades ago. I know I liked it back then, though; and I still liked it now. I also probably see even more dimensions to the story now, related to all the recent destruction and migration going on in the world. Whom can we trust? Whose advice and instincts should we listen to? And if disaster strikes, is there anywhere one can go to live in peace and feel safe??

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Having recently enjoyed Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, and also Gaiman’s version of the Norse Mythology, I thought I’d also give Gaiman’s Neverwhere a try. Alas, this proved to be another one of those that I just couldn’t seem to get into, felt I didn’t really like, and didn’t care to finish. May just have been that I wasn’t in the right mood for it, I don’t know! Anyway I decided to once more make use of one of the bonuses of being an Audible member, i.e. return it and just get another book instead:

Princes of Ireland Audiobook

Princes of Ireland: The Dublin Saga

  • Written by: Edward Rutherfurd
  • Narrated by: Richard Matthews
  • Length: 25 hrs and 53 mins

Publisher's Summary

The saga begins in tribal, pre-Christian Ireland during the reign of the fierce and mighty High Kings at Tara, with the tale of two lovers, the princely Conall and the ravishing Deirdre, whose travails cleverly echo the ancient Celtic legend of Cuchulainn. From that stirring beginning, Rutherfurd takes the reader on a powerfully imagined journey through the centuries. Through the interlocking stories of a memorable cast of characters (druids and chieftains, monks and smugglers, noblewomen and farmwives, merchants and mercenaries, rebels and cowards) we see Ireland through the lens of its greatest city.

While vividly and movingly conveying the passions and struggles that shaped the character of Dublin, Rutherfurd portrays the major events in Irish history: The tribal culture of pagan Ireland; the mission of St. Patrick; the coming of the Vikings and the founding of Dublin; the glories of the great nearby monastery of Glendalough and the making of treasures like the Book of Kells; the extraordinary career of Brian Boru; and the trickery of Henry II, which gave England its first foothold in Medieval Ireland. The stage is then set for the great conflict between the English kings and the princes of Ireland, and the disastrous Irish invasion of England, which incurred the wrath of Henry VIII and where this book, the first of the two part Dublin Saga, draws to a close, as the path of Irish history takes a dramatic and irrevocable turn.

I have had the printed book (770 pages) in my book-case since 10+ years, but only read half of it – or so at least my memory told me. Now I’ve listened to all of it (even if I have to confess that I probably slumbered through some parts). But somehow, it still seemed to sort of end “in the middle”… Which made me wonder if maybe I did read it to the end the first time too, and just always felt like I hadn’t!

So… I just checked - and found that there is indeed a Part 2: The Rebels of IrelandAnd as I had an unused Audible credit for September, I have just downloaded it. Another 30 hours! But there’s a long winter season ahead…

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Grace Space: A Direct Sales Tale by [Merrill, Robin]

Grace Space: A Direct Sales Tale

by Robin Merrill [read on Kindle]

Also in July, I happened to came across this title free for Kindle. Feeling in the mood for something light and contemporary just then, I decided to give it a go.

It’s about a young woman in her early twenties (Darcy), struggling with her student loan payments. So, when she hears that the Grace Space Independent Consultants make good money (selling cosmetic products), she decides to join them... Being young and naive, she really has no idea what she’s getting into. I have to say, the book puzzled me, in that it had me wondering how much was to be taken as irony, naïvity versus “based on a true story”. The cosmetics company that Darcy gets involved with comes across as a mix of a commercial direct sales business and a religious sect. Unfortunately, I suspect it may come closer to the truth of some similar companies than one would prefer to think. Which kind of makes one hesitate between laughing and feeling scared!

Looking up the author on Amazon and seeing some of her other titles is no real help. (Like, a book entitled The Jesus Diet seems to be meant to be taken seriously…)

All in all, I guess Grace Space was worth the free read - but I’m not very likely to spend money on another title.


  1. I have heard talk about Bible diets, I guess eating like they did in bible times. Watership down was one of my all time favorite books, we absolutely loved it!!! Plus, there are rabbits everywhere here, and we are trying to identify which is Bigfoot and which is Fiver...

  2. When I was younger I used to have books that got so ragged because I read them over and over and over and over. But I have none of them now I moved around so much they got lost over the years. I do love the bunny picture someone did a great job on that cover

    1. I still have some books like that. Emotionally, I find those harder to get rid of than pristine copies that look as though they've never been read. ;)

  3. I like Neil Gaiman, but just couldn't get into his Norse Myths.

    1. I can understand that. My reason for finding it interesting is that I read some of those myths back in early childhood, included in an old school reader from ~1910 that had belonged to my grandfather.

  4. I remember reading Watership down way back when. Great book.


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