
Saturday 7 October 2017

Autumn Reflections

Reflections from a walk along the river, a couple of weeks ago
(23rd Sept)


Stopping on my way into town for reflections in a “pondering pond”…


Colourful reflection from the bridge in the city centre. The railing was covered with textile patchwork created for the street art festival. There was an open invitation to anyone beforehand to contribute with a sewn or chrocheted square to be part of this piece of street art – also called “guerilla” art (or craft). (The mural to the right was painted during a similar street art festival a few years ago.)

 2017-09-23 Gerillaslöjd  Stadsparken Viskan


The bridge seen from the park.


The new/refurbished mall in the city center is nearly finished now. Most of the shops inside have opened. And a couple of apartment storeys have been added on top.



Red water lily in the river.


Above: ‘Upside Down’
One, or rather two, of my favourite sculptures in town…
Below: ‘Dogon’


2017-09-23 Narnia

Both these stone sculptures were made by the same artist – Claes Hake (Sweden), and have been there, in the same spot, since the first sculpture festival in 2008. What was in the artist’s mind when he created them, I don’t know. But when I look at one through the other, I’m always reminded of Narnia. (Why? Because looking through the “Door”, you see a lamp post + a “Stone Table” broken in two pieces…)


This guy, called Bodhi, has been here even longer, since 2004. It was made in the image of its creator (artist Fredrik Wretman).

One of the interesting things about ourdoors sculptures and art is that the surroundings keep shifting with the weather.




Linking to:

Weekend Reflections


  1. This is one of my favorite posts you have ever done. I just go from one picture to the next, seeing stunning beauty, both man made and God made. Boras has GOT to be the most artistic city in Sweden. I would sit in that bench by the Pondering Pond and surrounding beauty, and never leave! It is both adorable and beautiful at the same time. I love the mural, and reflection in the second picture, it is truly gorgeous. I was so hoping you would show some of the needlework squares, and lo and behold you DID! Hooray! They are done so wonderfully, it would be hard to give one up. The mall looks very modern, will you be going? Then there is the church steeple reflection, dazzling! I don't think I've ever seen a water lily this vibrant color. I never forget Bodhi...I remember him from way back. And the last two pictures are totally stunning, WOW they are gorgeous!!!

  2. Gosh, these are just the most awesome reflection/water pictures ever. What a great walk and tour you gave us. The lily pad are by far just stunning. Makes me want to grab my watercolors and give it a try.

    Thanks for a wonderful treat for the eyes.

  3. Beautiful picturees of your town, Monica - as always, I love it when you take us along for a walk! The reflections look so calm and content.

  4. you have access to some of the most beautiful reflections ever. the second one is the most colorful and all f these are beautiful. I like the mural on the wall also.

  5. you are blessed all of this is within walking distance

  6. Like everyone else I always enjoy seeing your city because every time I see something different or in a different light or just in a different way. I don't recall seeing Dogon or Upside Down before.

  7. Good photos, but that first one is just incredible.

  8. These are beautiful pictures, I love the reflections and the autumn colours.

  9. Your reflections are excellent! Sorry that you can't link one of them. I tried but the only options were your header, awards and badges. Maybe Linky only allows so many options and those take up the allotted space. Maybe you could try using a file. It worked last week. I saved one of your reflection photos then linked it as a file.

    The red lily is so pretty. I also really like seeing the green trees reflected in the water.

    1. Thanks for looking into the problem, James. That's what I get, too - header and badges (+ a few pictures I don't recognize from my own website at all!) I have tried uploading from the computer, and I have even tried to shrink the images beforehand so that they should not be too large. But nothing happens, the linky just does not accept them. I've had this happen on one other linky site as well, I think - but not all. (And only recently on yours.) So I'm at a loss where the fault lies!

  10. love all the brilliant colours

  11. Thanks every one for you comments and reflections (on my reflections...)!


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