
Saturday 16 December 2017

Postcards for the Weekend – Christmas Is Coming…

Christmas cards have started to drop in from around the world:

1712 GB-JE

From England

1712 DE-MR

From Germany

 1711 US-VA-GH

From the US

1712 CA-HS

From Canada

1712 SE-MQ

From Sweden

Postcards for the Weekend

Postcards for the Weekend 65: December Holidays


  1. Such pretty cards, I always keep my to look at again and again.

    1. I keep mine on display for a few weeks, then put them in a box to be "sorted later". Guess which box is getting rather full??

  2. The PEACE one looks like mine! My favorite is Canada, it is so gorgeous!!! Don't you want to live in that cottage? It even has a side porch.

    1. That is your card Ginny, and it's spreading peace in my living room now, standing on one of my bookshelves :)

  3. The side board in my living room is getting crowded with cards, too; I always keep the ones I like most and use them for decorating the next year.

    1. The way the postage rates keep going up lately (ours will be raised again after New Year) maybe I'd better hold on tight to my boxes of old cards (cf my reply to Janet)... Not that I mind email greetings - they're just as welcome. But not quite the same for decoration around the flat! :)

  4. Love your cards. Any card has arrived here yet! (I published two from last year).

    1. Well, it's still a week until Christmas. Those from overseas are often first to arrive here!

  5. Hi DawnTreader, A perfect post for December holidays. Hard to pick a favorite card! Love the art on the card from England!

    1. I both send and receive quite a few cards for Christmas, and it fascinates me how rarely I get two of the same.

  6. Sure a great December holidays post! Nice to see such a variety, from different countries!

  7. Very nice assortment of Christmas postcards, from delightful to solemn ones. The first postcard makes me imagine the Alps and the valleys I've visited during the summer. Next year, I will come for the winter! And oh thanks for the snowy postcard you sent me, you're right, I don't experience winter here in Singapore. Happy holidays to you Monica and to your family & friends as well!

    1. Thanks Maria and I wish you a good time too, where ever you are planning to spend it :)


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