
Wednesday 21 February 2018

Sliding Back in Time

Time is a Mystery. Sometimes the past and the present seem to weave seamlessly in and out of one another, separate and inseparable at the same time. Yesterday was my Mum’s birthday, so I was thinking of her. “Hard to believe” (as one often says) that nearly nine years have gone by since she died. Although sometimes that day too seems like yesterday or a long long time ago, all in one.

Anyway – with part of my brain thinking of mum, and another part observing the snowy weather outdoors, my Master Mind connected the two and reminded me of an old photo in one of my childhood photo albums. Probably from January or February 1961.


I wonder if when and where we were born affect how we feel about the seasons of the year? My mum was born in February and far up in the North (but only lived the first year of her life up there); and I think she always liked winter a lot better than I ever did. I was born in late August, and I think early autumn has probably always been my favourite time of year. At least I know for sure that I’ve never been a huge fan of winter, and neither at age five nor at any point later in life would I ever voluntarily have gone sliding on ice like mum does here. (Yes, that’s me behind her – looking very sceptical.)


Same occasion. This feels more secure.


The whole scanned “winter walk” page from my album; with illustrations by my mum.


  1. i love your page of memories. and i would be with you , not sliding on the ice. what a precious memory. you may be right, i dislike cold weather and i was born in Sept. mother was born in sept and loved both cold and hot. so maybe not.

  2. Lovely memories, I'm a spring person myself.

    1. Oh, spring will be most welcome when it comes... (in spite of the allergies that will come with it...)

  3. Oh Monica, what a wonderful post today!! I have so much enjoyed it. I think I knew, then forgot, that our moms died around the same time. Your mom looks like she was so fun loving and young at heart! Your memories of when she raised you must be wonderful! The pictures are just priceless, especially of the "ice skating". I am not at the point yet where I can look at my mom's pictures without my stomach turning over. She was a lovely artist! Such soft and beautiful strokes;I could never draw. And you look so cute, like a little elf with that pointed hood!

    1. Thanks Ginny. Yes my mum was quite artistic. In later years she expressed it mostly in embroidery.

  4. What a lovely way of making an album so much more than just a collection of photos! Your Mum was talented with the pen, and I think you two look so nice (and stylish!) together in the snow.
    Like you, I wonder about our perception of time, how the exact same event (like your Mum's death, or my husband's - also nearly 9 years ago) can seem so long, long ago and yet feel so recent at the same time (!).
    I was born in spring, and I do love spring. But I love summer and autumn, too, and winter has lost much of its dread since I've begun to spend many weekends in the beautiful countryside where O.K. lives.

    1. Oh Meike, I don't think I ever knew when it was that you lost your husband, only that it was before I started following your blog (whenever that was!) ... My dread of winter is actually not quite as bad as it has been sometimes in the past, when involving more early mornings and to-do-lists. (As long as I am free to adjust my activities according to the weather, I worry less about it.)


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