
Friday 16 March 2018

Bring on Spring (2)


In spite of Spring Equinox being less than a week away now, winter is still holding Sweden in rather a firm grip. There were a couple of days at the beginning of the week though, when the temperature climbed above 0°C (freezing point) - at least in the daytime. On Wednesday, it actually looked as though some of the main walkpaths might be just about ice-free; so I decided to attempt a walk into town, without the help of anti-slip devices or walking poles. Felt good to be able to “stretch my legs” a bit again, even if lately I’ve become so used to all the safety-devices that I almost felt a bit wobbly without them!

However, keeping to the main walk/cycle path along the main street, I did manage to find enough dry ground for my feet to take me to the city centre. My destination there was a flower-shop, in order to bring home a bit of indoors spring feeling, even if the outdoors will probably keep us waiting for a while yet.  

“Mission accomplished” Smile - including having changed back to my spring/summer curtains in the kitchen this week.





PS – Posted separately below, a YouTube video of the snow situation further up north in Sweden…


  1. The color of the flowers you chose is gorgeous!! And you even have a candle to match them. I love your little rooster with touches of spring green on him, too. I do not remember ever seeing these curtains. They are gorgeous! I do remember your pretty winter gingham ones. The curtains just scream SPRING!! You have the prettiest curtains of anyone I know. We are to get snow tomorrow morning. The paper today says that spring will be really slow coming. Mailing a card now!

    1. Thanks Ginny. The candle is a battery one! Not sure how long I've had those curtains, but several years by now anyway. (Sometimes I've had older yellow ones up for Easter/spring, though.) And I probably take more indoors photos in winter... :)

  2. I so like your spring/summer curtains, Monica! And you've done well to bring some spring flowers and colour indoors. We're having a wintry weekend again after a lovely week of spring. Just as well I'm not going anywhere as I'm down with the flu now.

    1. Thanks Meike. Yes, this time of year one often feels the need here to somehow "force" spring, when it seems to be lagging behind :) ... The outdoors temperatures still being much to cold for flowers! I hope the weekend is giving you time to rest and win the battle against the flu!

  3. your apartment is already in spring time bloom and looks beautiful in the sunshine. I am always amazed how your room changes so much with a simple different curtains and a few things on the window sills.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Yes, I find that you can change the atmosphere in a room quite a lot just by a few textiles and objects. And one does not have to keep buying new things - I just like to change some things around with the seasons. And flowers/plants help too, especially perhaps in our wintry climate :)

  4. Your apartment is looking springy. It warms up here, then turns cold again,I'm ready for spring.

    1. Thanks Janet. Same here, but I think we've had an unusually harsh month of March so far.


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