
Friday 9 March 2018

Postcards for the Weekend: Places of Worship

Convent of St John of Kronstadt

Convent of St John of Kronstadt, St Petersburg
(1900-08; architect Nikolai Nikonov)
Postcrossing card from Russia, January 2018

JJ 2018-111

Churches of Opsterland (in Friesland, NL)
From Jarina in the NL, March 2018

170708-170712 from John 1715

Nun’s Cross, Dartmoor
From John in England, July 2017

”This cross, more properly known as Siward’s cross, is the largest ancient cross in Devon and the oldest recorded. It is first mentioned in the 1200s. Siward owned the land on which it stands in the 11th century, and it is thought to pre-date the Norman Conquest. The name Nun’s is thought to be a corruption of “nant” or ravine.”

Postcards for the Weekend

Postcards for the Weekend 76: Places of Worship


  1. I love all of these! But the cross is really special!!!

  2. i like all three, all are really cool to me, my favorite is the nuns cross. wow on that one.

  3. My favourite is also the cross. I like such remote, windswept places.

  4. Beautiful stone buildings and country scenes.

  5. Having been on Dartmoor (or was it Exmoor?) I can appreciate the solitude and grandeur of a single cross in that landscape.

  6. Thanks everyone for your comments. I like that stone cross too. I always somehow feel special awe at really ancient places of worship - if nothing else, just for knowing that people have been coming there for many hundreds of years (or even more).


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