
Saturday 31 March 2018

Postcards for the Weekend – Transportation + Easter

Westminster Bridge ~1900

London, Westminster Bridge (~1900)
”This turn of the century view shows Big Ben to the left of the tram and Scotland Yard to the right. Apart from the traffic, little has changed.”

From John in England, 2018

Ferry Caledonia MacBrayne

From GB in Scotland, 2018

171229 CH-373234

Constanza Droop "Felix auf dem Rad"
Postcrossing card from Switzerland, 2017


Swedish Easter Hag, setting off on her broomstick to Blåkulla
(A card I bought and sent flying to the Netherlands for Easter, 2018)

Swedish folklore involves stories of witches flying off on broomsticks on Maundy Thursday (or Easter Eve), to meet up with the devil at an imaginary place/hill/island called Blåkulla (Blockula) … In some places Swedish children still dress up as påskkärringar (Easter hags), and sometimes also go knocking on neighbor’s doors for treats, much like American children do at Halloween. I remember dressing up like that in childhood, at my grandmother’s house; but don’t think it involved going round to the neighbours. “Proof” below from my childhood photo album – artwork by my mum, from Easter 1962…


Glad Påsk = Happy Easter!

We also used to have bonfires and fireworks for Easter; but that tradition has been on the decline around here in later years. (The big fireworks night nowadays is New Year’s Eve; and bonfires on 30th April, to welcome Spring.)

The tradition of filling vintage style decorated Easter Eggs with candy still seems to be as popular as ever, though; judging by this photo that I snatched at the supermarket earlier in the month…


I have some old paper eggs like these myself, but nowadays serving only as decoration:



Postcards for the Weekend

Postcards for the Weekend 79: Transportation


  1. What an interesting mix of pictures and information! Your Mum was very gifted, I said so before, and you made a cute little hag. Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks Meike. Hope you had a good Easter too.

  2. I was reading your post and, when I arrived to the third postcard, I was about to write that it was the funniest... But no doubt that travelling on a broomstick would win. And you know how to do so, wow! ;-)

    1. And it was even way before Harry Potter, Eva! ;)

  3. Those last 3 postcards are such beautiful surprises for this theme! Well done for thinking about sharing these for the transportation theme, Monica! Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks Maria and I hope you had a good Easter too.

  4. Replies
    1. Now there's a combination of words I don't think anyone ever wrote to me before, Kate! :)

  5. Are they really paper? I have some like this, but they are tin. I love them! And I bet you know my favorites today. Your Mom's creation, and the biking bunny!!

    1. Yes Ginny, the eggs are paper; not tin. Made in Germany - inside some of mine it says Made in GDR (German Democratic Republic) - which narrows down the time period for those... :)


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