
Sunday 13 May 2018

Balcony Life


Still summery spring going on here…

Whatever the weather, my balcony is very much exposed to it - even if there is another balcony above mine, serving as roof. But the sides are open, and this means I have to keep up with changes in the weather, and move various things in/out/around accordingly. On a sunny afternoon, it gets too hot, even with parasols up. If it starts to rain, on the other hand, everything will get wet; and the wind may grab anything that’s not properly weighed down and secured… Phew :)

The only thing that is not being moved around out there is my faithful clematis, which is now once again in bloom. It stems from a cutting I took from an older plant ten years ago, when I moved to where I live now! It lived indoors for one year; but since then it has been where it is now – all year round. I try to cover it in fibre cloth in winter to protect it from the cold and snow and storms... Always amazed every spring when it starts showing signs of life again!

I have finally finished my project (started back in April) of painting an old wooden bench in the same colour as my small round (foldable) wooden table that I painted two years ago. I have been doing most of the painting job outside when the weather has allowed – but as it has been raining on and off in between, the bench has been standing indoors in my living room to dry. Today I decided it was finished, and time to move it outside. (Good weather forecast for the next few days as well…) The job has not been so good for my shoulder/arm, even if I have been taking my time about it… But after three coats of paint, I’m pleased enough with the result, and also really happy that I did manage to find the exact same green colour as the table. It looks nice. (The bench is actually 40+ years old… Bought in 1976, I think. It started its career serving as stereo bench in my living room back then. Actually – not even stereo then… just an old portable gramophone with a mono speaker in the lid!)

I’ve decided not to have “too many” plants this year… But I bought some nice geraniums, each in its own pot - which I can easily move around as I please, and even take inside if needed.


  1. Always nice to have a balcony and you've made yours very pretty.
    Hope your shoulder feels better soon.

    1. Thanks Janet. Compared to a garden the balcony is "low maintenance" but it still requires a bit of work to keep it nice. Not very often that I do big jobs like upcycling furniture, though :)

  2. I love a balcony-no matter how big or small it is-there is just something about balconies that appeal to me. Love the color of the table and bench-it makes me smile. Hope you have a wonderful upcoming week-xo Diana

    1. Thanks Diana. I like having a balcony too, and I would certainly miss it if I did not have one.

  3. The clematis is gorgeous! I don't think I have ever seen any blue ones around here. Most are white or purple. Your balcony is so lovely and inviting! And the bench and table perfectly match! I love the color. I like your beachy chair cushion too.

    1. Ginny, mine is a clematis Alpina which is one adapted to colder climates. The chair cushion is really a beach mattress, which happens to fit nicely in the chair :)

  4. The blue color of your clematis is lovely. I bought and planted a blue clematis a few weeks ago and would love if mine turns out to be that shade of blue.

    1. Terra, mine is a clematis Alpina - but I think those too can vary a bit in colour.

  5. My flat does not have a balcony, and normally, I do not miss it. But every time I've been to O.K.'s in good weather and we've spent time on his balcony, having breakfast on summer mornings, vanilla ice with coffee on long lazy afternoons or gin tonics under the stars on a balmy summer night, I want one, too.
    Your way to protect the clematis during winter is successful, or else it would not come back every year. It looks very inviting, your balcony with the comfortable chair, table and bench there!

    1. Meike, I've had a balcony at all the (3) flats where I've lived (except for my first year in a small student bedsitter). Even if I don't usually spend hours on end out there, I would miss it if I didn't have it. Just to be able to step outside for a moment and feel the weather; or sit down for a while with a cup of tea or whatever... Or sometimes sitting inside, but with the door open. As all the balconies in the building are on this side, and there is also a lawn beneath where kids are usually playing, and families sometimes having barbeques at a picnic table, it's not a very "quiet" place in the summers, though :) So even when the weather is right, I often find it difficult to concentrate on reading out there, for example. It's a fairly good neighbourhood all in all - I just sometimes wish I could press a mute button for silence when it suits me, like on the TV :)

  6. I am always amazed at how you can change your patio area season to season, i don't remember seeing the umbrella before. the bench is perfect where you have it and ha ha on decided to not have to many flowers. waiting to see how long that last. i love all the flowers you grow in your tiny but beautiful space

    1. Sandra, I have two parasols (sometimes even three) - but only in summer of course, and if too windy, I can't have them up because the wind may turn them inside out or fly away with them, or whatever...


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