
Saturday 19 May 2018

Postcards for the Weekend – Costumes

Two cards arrived very timely yesterday from Jarina in the Netherlands… (Thanks!)

JJ 2018-122 180518-1

This one depicts an old Dutch stamp, which in turn depicts a traditional costume.

JJ 2018-123 180518-2

And another old school photo… This one entitled “Those were the days”, no year given.

Half randomly flickering through some cards from previous years, I picked out some more. If I have already used them before, I hope that your memory is no better than mine!


From Lithuania 2015
Lithuanian folk dance with hats

DE-3072485 AT

Sent from Germany 2014:

Mural in Holzgau in the Lecthtal Alps, Austria

160915-160927 from John 194

From John in England, 2016
”Welsh women & cottage” (vintage card)

På promenad

From a Swedish children’s story book, written and illustrated by Elsa Beskow (1874-1953)
Aunt Green, Aunt Brown and Aunt Lavender. Their male friend is Uncle Blue, and the children are called Petter and Lotta.

From the fashions of the the past, I’m almost thinking that there must be some truth to the talk of “global warming” in our own time, as nowadays many people seem to be wearing as little as possible as soon as the sun comes out …  while in the past layers upon layers, even in nice summery weather!

I was out searching the shops for a pair of shorts this week, but found that knee-length shorts seem to be“out” at the moment (and thus impossible to find). Those shorts that are “in” are so short that there’s no way I would go into town wearing them…  To my relief, on the other hand I found that it’s apparently “in” to wear thin wide 3/4 length trousers (culottes) – even if almost only available in flowery patterns that in a couple of years will most likely be totally “out” again.

The aunties above would probably have fainted at the very idea of walking down the street in culottes. They probably wore those underneath their dresses (as does Lotta, under her shorter dress).

Postcards for the Weekend

Postcards for the Weekend 86 – Costumes


  1. So in the future people will be sending to each others this kind of postcards: people in really short shorts, women in culottes... And they will keep asking how could we dress like that! ;-)

    I've enjoyed your post.

    1. Eva, who knows... Maybe with the climate changes we'll have to go back to long dresses and parasols to protect ourselves from the sun...

  2. Love your postcards. You are so right about the styles and how they change. I find the Thrift stores have knee length pants sometimes. I don't care if it's out of style...I like, what I like...haha.

    1. Wanda, it's one thing to say one does not care about the current fashion, and another to try to find something else in the stores... :)

  3. I am sure the aunties are indeed wearing culottes underneath. Probably less for warmth, more for decency :-) As for short shorts, I only wear them for running when it is really warm. Otherwise, I like capri jeans, they are also a good length for cycling.

    1. Meike, I wear capri jeans/trousers too in summer. But I feel our very shifting weather sometimes does require a wider variety of options (of course also adjusted to context and activity - which in my case no longer involves any running or cycling)

  4. I am thinking you are right about the culottes under the skirts.. and it is the same way here, hard to find clothes that cover the body. I have said before looking at old photos of clothing makes me really happy I live now. clothing wise i mean... the two teachers in the classroom photo look really stern, maybe even MEAN... i wonder where they hid the paddle. LOL

    1. It's very mysterious how the whole world seems to be in sync with the fashion trends - well, excluding those countries or cultures where other forces or traditions still determine how women are allowed to dress... (At the same time as we have young girls walking around in mini-shorts and mini-tops here, I also see many immigrant Muslim women now, all covered up - and even Muslim girls playing soccer dressed in long skirts and hijabs...!)

  5. It's funny how fashion changes and yesterday's styles look so weird, but I like looking back. :)

    1. Sandi, it's worth pondering about, sometimes - how quickly we change our minds about how something "ought to be" :)

  6. I know what y our mean about shorts. I want knee length or longer. I remember years ago going t o Spain and being stated at for wearing knee length shorts, I changed into jeans. Last year I saw women in shorts so short that I wouldn't have worn at home.

    1. Janet, "the times they are a'changin' ... " ;)

  7. I love the old school photo. It's so interesting to look into each face of the boys and wonder what they're thinking ... Thanks for sharing!


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