
Sunday 27 May 2018

Shadow Shot Sunday


This month of May seems determined to go to history as the warmest, sunniest and driest since anyone started keeping records. At this rate, we may have Autumn by Midsummer!

Actually, this weekend I had a sense of autumn already, as it was windy (although still hot and dry), and all the elm trees around town seemed to have arranged to let go of their seeds all at once… Whirling around in the air like snowflakes; and then rustling along the streets with a sound reminding of dry leaves in autumn.

(If anyone is wondering about the lollipop shadow behind mine – it’s a traffic sign.)



Quite a few of these seeds also land on my balcony; and even seek their way indoors through open doors and windows… Well, at least - unlike various tree pollen! - they’re too big to inhale… ; )

I have sooo many pictures, and soo little time that I can comfortably spend in front of the computer in this kind of weather… I was out at the lake Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. On Monday I stayed two hours, the other days only one hour. On Tuesday it felt worth it, but on Wednesday it felt almost hotter out there than back at home! - and nowhere to sit in the shadow. I think these horses in their paddock found it a bit hot as well.






However, out on the little peninsula, in the half-shadow under the trees there, I was happy to find some lilies-of-the-valley growing.




Shadow Shot Sunday 2


  1. What treasures you found! I think my favorite picture is the first one of the white horse and the beautiful trees. It rained here about every day last week, and is raining still. Temps around 90. So we do have the same heat. So glad you can get out so much in the beautiful spring weather!

  2. All your shadow shots are rich and fulfilling!

    1. Thanks MMT. I keep looking for as much shadow as I can find this month... :)

  3. You still have lilies of the valley? I think ours have gone weeks ago! Did you know they are called Maiglöcklen - little bells of May - in German? An apt name for them, only that this year, our May was hotter and drier than usual, just like yours.

    When I first looked at the first picture of this post, not looking properly, I thought for a moment you (or someone else whose picture you took) was holding up a large plate or bowl, letting flower petals fall from it, as if for a wedding :-)

    1. Meike, your spring is always earlier than ours. Our spring here was late this year but then in an awful hurry to rush head straight into summer. Whether they're still in bloom now I'm not so sure, as I haven't been out to the lake again since last week. (It's been too hot!)

  4. Hi DawnTreader, “I have sooo many pictures, and soo little time that I can comfortably spend in front of the computer in this kind of weather” … Wow, I could not have said it better for myself. I guess it’s the price we have to pay to get into the blogosphere. Great post here, I sure enjoyed the photos.

    1. John, thanks for visiting, and glad you enjoyed my photos.

  5. it seems the weather is upside down all over the world, what ever is usual for which ever part of the world it is, it is the opposite as in hotter, colder, wetter and drier. you had a totally marvelous day to use your camera

    1. Sandra, the camera is not complaining - it's the photographer who is having a struggle keeping up... (LOL)

  6. It's very warm here on Lewis too but most of the time we do have a breeze blowing. It seems strange to think of the storms in France and the South of England. It's a while since I say a lily of the valley.

    1. We had a bit of rain on Monday afternoon, but there was hardly any wind with it - it just fell straight down. The next day was sunny and hot again. It's been a very unusual month of May with the spell of hot and dry weather lasting for weeks already. Yesterday was too hot for me (29'C outdoors and no wind,and the indoors temperature above comfort level as well). Today a little better because of a cooler breeze.

  7. I love the last two photos. Sadly we lost all our elms to (so-called) Dutch Elm Disease in the 1970s. Many parts of England were denuded of trees for decades.


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