
Wednesday 27 June 2018

Time Flies…

I suddenly realise that a whole week has passed since I last posted here. Don’t worry – nothing wrong, I’ve just been a bit busy with other things. The actual Midsummer was a quiet affair for me this year, though. Midsummer Eve (Friday) was cloudy and rather windy and chilly, so I did not feel tempted to seek out any traditional public celebrations. On Midsummer Day I went for a walk, but nowhere out of the ordinary. On Sunday my aunt and uncle were visiting. We went out to lunch, and then also drove out to visit my parents’ and grandparents’ graves in the churchyard in the village outside town. We also went down to the lake beach, in the neighbourhood of their old house (but a railway to cross in between). The whole area looks different now because a lot of high trees and hedges have been taken down (both on private and public ground, and on both sides of the railway), opening up the views  a lot. Our garden used to be a very secluded and private space, surrounded by high hedges and tall trees… I doubt my parents would have appreciated the recent “open plan” changes… (But not our problem any more – history keeps moving on!)

2018-06-24 Oresjo


  1. it is still beautiful and I am glad you got to visit with your aunt and uncle plus go and take a peek at the changes. they built a shopping center where my parents house was and a 6 lane highway

    1. Sandra I was glad of the opportunity to visit too, it's difficult for me to get to the graveyard on my own since the bus does not go by the church (which is at some distance from the centre of the village). As for the house I'm glad we got it sold when we did, but it's still connected with lots of memories (along with the whole neighbourhood).

  2. Whenever I visit places I have known for a long time, I am in two minds about changes... part of me wants things to stay as they were, as I remember them, while another part of me is fascinated by the change - sometimes (but rarely) for the better.

    1. PS: I'm glad you were simply too busy to post and not ill!

    2. Thanks Meike. Besides "busy", we're also back to high temperatures here, again - including my study/office... (phew)
      As for your thoughts on revisiting and changes, I know what you mean! :)


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