
Friday 28 September 2018

Fair & Scare





The last weekend in September means Autumn Market in our city centre. Friday morning started out sunny (if somewhat chilly), so I decided to go for a walk into town to have a look around. It’s kind of become a tradition that I buy some cheap postcards from a special market stall on these occasions (usually found in the same corner every year). But … When I had picked the cards I wanted and was going to pay, it turned out that my wallet was not in my handbag! So disappointingly (for myself as well as for the stall-owner), I was not able to buy anything. For a brief moment I was also scared that I had lost the wallet; but I quickly arrived at the conclusion that I must just have left it at home. The zipper on my bag was firmly closed, and I had not opened it at any point during my walk until then. I had my camera with me and had snapped a few pictures (above), but I was carrying that in its own separate bag.

Still, the incident kind of un-inspired me when it came to further browsing among the market stalls; so I pretty much turned straight around and went back home… Had another brief scare when I didn’t immediately find the wallet where I thought I must have left it (on the desk in the study, where I had been going through some receipts yesterday)… But then – duh! – I found it neatly tucked away in my other handbag… (No, I refuse to blame old age… I prefer to think of it as having been preoccupied while multitasking, LOL!)

(Why two handbags? I hear someone asking… Because sometimes I prefer a smaller one and sometimes a bigger one, depending on where I’m going! They’re both equipped with certain other basic essentials, and I only have to move the wallet between them – if needed.)

As for postcards, I really have enough cards “in stock” already; so perhaps just as well that I was saved from the temptation!


  1. Your first two pictures are beautiful! It really does look like an October sky. How long will the Market be around? I would love just strolling through. I have a whole lot more purses than two, as I collect them like some women collect shoes. Changing them out is a drag, so you have the right idea!

    1. Ginny, the Autumn Market (in September) and the Spring Market (in May), are always two days, Friday-Saturday. So I may have another chance tomorrow but whether I'll feel like it then remains to be seen (depending on the weather and whatnot).
      I have to confess to owning more purses than two as well; it's just that I usually have two that I keep "loaded" at the same time... :)

  2. I've been in the same situation. Always such a bother to be without that wallet when you need it.

  3. naww my favourite season, so many colours. I totally get about you needing one big back and one small, other females will also get that one lol

    1. Yes Amy I suppose many will :) ... even if I do know one or two who almost never carry a handbag at all. (I don't know how they manage!!)

  4. Ah, there's that Swedish sky that I fell in love with... and what could be more spectacular than golden autumn leaves against it?
    But I have to say, I really don't like those balloons any more. Now I know where some of them end up and how terribly long they stay around.
    But, on an artistic, less environmental level, the metallic colours do look very alluring in the sunshine.

    1. Kate, I'm not really keen on balloons either - except for catching them with my camera, which I think should be safe from environment point of view. (Unless, of course, I should thereby happen to inspire someone else to want to buy them and let them loose... hmmm...)

    2. Ah, there's a philosophical conundrum Monica!

  5. Phew! Glad your wallett turned up and was neither lost nor stolen. Lovely autumn weather; we're enjoying it, too, but for tomorrow, much cooler temps and (finally!) some badly needed rain is forecast.

    1. Yes Meike, it was a relief - even if I could not see how anyone could possibly have stolen it, it's still a worry when things like one's wallet or mobile phone decide to play hide-and-seek!

  6. I know it doesn't apply to you, Monica, but I always keep reserves in the car in case I forget my wallet. As I don't carry a handbag my usual reason for leaving my wallet behind is changing my trousers before I go out and leaving the wallet in the back pocket of the ones left behind. As for two handbags my experience would say 'only two?'

    1. Graham, I do have more than two handbags... ;) It's just that I tend to keep two favourites at a time equipped with various basic stuff so that I don't have to move "everything" between them each time. The basics have also so far usually included a few loose coins, but nowadays that doesn't really help much, as we seem to be rapidly moving towards cashless payments here. I realize it's probably time I get a mobile payment app that's now frequently used here, I just haven't got round to it... still not feeling totally comfortable about using the phone for money transactions. (For one thing, I tend to leave the phone behind more often than the wallet!)

    2. I left my phone behind recently when I went out. I suffered severe trauma for about 15 minutes and then decided it came into the "cannot do anything about" category so stopped fretting. I arrived home a few hours later and lo and behold the world hadn't ended.

  7. Oh, there is nothing that kills the wish to shop so much as to discover the unexpected loss of a wallet, money, purse or in my case even phone. You just want to get back, don't you, and start looking? I am glad you found it!


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