
Sunday 11 November 2018

Shadow Shot Sunday – November


A somewhat surreal shot of the moon from my window a couple of weeks ago.

I’ve been meaning to get back to blogging my holiday photos, now that November is here and the trees have dropped most of their leaves to the ground. But even with mostly grey skies this week, the weather has still been rather mild (around +10’C), still and pleasant for walking; and so I have been out and about on various errands quite a lot this week. And once one reaches the city centre (or enters a supermarket), it’s a bit like walking through magic doors and suddenly finding oneself a lot Closer To Christmas than one thought when one started out…

181106 gran stora torget

On Tuesday I went into town to get my seasonal flu shot (which I did, no problem). But then I noticed that the big Christmas tree had been put up in the main square (even if no lights in it yet). This inspired me to go into my favourite tea shop and get some teas (including a favourite Green Christmas blend)…  And then when I got back home, the stamps I had ordered to use for Christmas cards had arrived… So all in all, I realised it might be as well to surrender and accept the Christmas preparations mode; including one or two more walks into town later in the week to also get some cards and calendars and whatnots. After all – the shops are not likely to get any less crowded as time hurries on…

However, to make room for all the New Red and Glittery and Extra Extra Festive Everything, most shops just now seem to also be having Big Sales to get rid of all the stuff that was new and fresh only a couple of months ago, but now evidently old and tired already. I try not to get too carried away by sales signs any more (I really need to keep clearing out some stuff rather than collecting more for no other reason than it being on sale); but I did make use of a gift card I got for my birthday, only valid in one specific chain of stores. So I bought a long black cardigan that I’ve looked at before, but while it was full price I would have had to pay extra for it (in addition to the gift card). Now it was 50% off, which means that (thanks to my generous friend) it cost me nothing. (Even left me with a little bit more to spend in the same shop. It will be a challenge to break even though, as they don’t give any cash back…)

Shadow Shot Sunday 2


  1. That’s a beautiful photo of the moon.......pretty as a painting.
    Yes, I’ve given in to starting the Christmas decorations early. At 70 it takes me longer than it used to in order to get the entire house decorated. By starting early, there’s no time pressure and I like that!
    Good for you in using that gift card and getting something you really wanted!
    I’m not going to start saying Merry Christmas until after a Thanksgiving so I’m wishing you a wonderful new week!

    1. Linda, no decorating for me until the last week of November (I put my decorations up gradually but there are some I want up before 1st Advent.) I should get started with cards & letters to be sent abroad, though, so that I get those sent off in time!

  2. I am glad it is still warm enough for walking. Now I can continue to go with you as you find gems in town. What is the Tea Shop window doing now? Maybe next post, a picture of you in the sweater? Your moon shot is gorgeous, and could be in the cover of a mystery book. The stores here don't even have Christmas cards yet. I was shocked, as they usually have them much earlier. I love my card, thanks so much!!!

    1. They were starting with Christmas things already before Halloween here... Seems to start earlier every year, although I suppose it may have been like that for a while now. Way back in my youth 1st Advent used to be the day to go watching Christmas displays in the shop windows, and back then the shops weren't even open on Sundays! But people used to go out just to look at the Christmas displays in the windows that weekend! And no sales until after Christmas...

  3. awesome shot of the moon. love it and soooooo happy you could shop with your gift card. and get something you really wanted.. I love cash cards, gift cards are nice if it happens to be where I shop.. my friend sent me a 100.00 Visa card, I spent it in three different stores.

    1. Sandra, with a gift card I often feel I want to buy something special so that I can tell the giver what I bought... Waiting for the sale in this case turned out to be right thing to get good value for the money :)

  4. I read your statement that it was 'rather mild' and then saw what I initially read as -10 deg. It took me a few seconds to realise that it was the similarity sign. I really can't start decorations for a while yet.

    1. Ooops. Thanks for pointing it out Graham... I can see why you interpreted it that way, so I just changed it now to "around +10'C" :)

  5. That moon picture is great, like a dramatic painting!
    It is similar here, Monica - mild, almost spring-like weather (and some birds seem to think that, too, judging from how I hear them singing in the morning), but Christmas preparations are well under way.
    Like you, I will put up Christmas decoration only in time for the 1st Advent, not before. Right now, I enjoy autumn with wonderful colours - and hope for some rain, but preferably not right on the opening night of our Christmas Market on the last Tuesday of this month!

    1. Meike, I agree rain does not provide quite the right atmosphere for Christmas markets... We had some rain yesterday (and I had a day in!) but today just grey again, and still mild for the time of year.

  6. Thanks for joining in the fun at Shadow Shot Sunday 2!


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